ML-ready Curie temperatures and descriptors extracted from the JuHemd database

The uploaded archive provides a ML-ready data set extracted from the juHemd database (see references) augmented with supplemental data for atomic descriptors. Descriptors provided in this data set include structural, magnetic, atomic quantities as well as derived (summed) quantities. In total, 118 possible descriptors are included of which 12 are DFT generated. For each simulation type (LDA/GGA) there is also a data set cleaned from DFT data available.

After data cleaning and preprocessing we extracted 387 LDA calculated magnetic Heusler structures as well as 408 GGA structures which have a full structural and magnetic data set. As we only aim at magnetic compounds, we chose to filter out compounds from the original JuHemd which have at least 0.1 Bohr magneton as total absolute magnetic moment. For each data file there is an existing descriptor file naming all the descriptors included in the data set.

Metadata Access
Creator Hilgers, Robin; Wortmann, Daniel; Blügel, Stefan
Publisher Materials Cloud
Publication Year 2022
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
OpenAccess true
Contact archive(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Materials Science and Engineering