Data sets contain profiles of temperature, and salinity collected during RV HEINCKE cruise HE470 in August 2016 at two locations in the German Bight: at site NOAHC and site Outer Weser (OW). CTD profiles were taken in parallel to the lander deployment period ( from the ship, which was anchored in a distance less than 500 m to the lander locations. CTD sensors were mounted on a microstructure probe. The casts were taken continuously and as fast as possible, resulting in typical measurement intervals of around 3 minutes between individual profiles, covering one to two tidal cycles. Small measurement uncertainties (0.002 mS cm-1 for C, 0.002 K for T) were achieved by regular calibration of the CTD sensors in the lab. Individual profiles are averaged over 10 min and 1 m in the vertical. The vertical reference is 'meter above bed' (mab). Time is UTC.