Geophysical Imaging of Deep EarthShape (GIDES): Controlled source seismic data of Santa Gracia, Chile


The dataset contains the seismic weight drop data acquired in Private Reserve Santa Gracia, Chile. The data acquisition was conducted as a part of the EarthShape project in the subproject of Geophysical Imaging of the Deep EarthShape (GIDES). The seismic line was setup to cut across an existing borehole location with core and geophysical logging data available (Krone et al., 2021; Weckmann et al., 2020). The data was acquired to image the deep weathering zone identified by the borehole data across the seismic profile. Included in the datasets are the raw data of the CUBE data logger, SEG-Y data of the recorded shots, and the shot and receiver geometry data.

A vital aspect of comprehending the interplay between geological and biological processes lies in the imaging of the critical zone, located deep beneath the surface, where the transition from unaltered bedrock to fragmented regolith occurs. It had been hypothesized that the depth of such weathering zone is dependent on the climate condition of the area. A more humid climate with higher precipitation will result in a deeper weathering front. As a part of the EarthShape project (SPP-1803 ‘EarthShape: Earth Surface Shaping by Biota’), specifically the Geophysical Imaging of the Deep EarthShape (GIDES - Grant No. KR 2073/5-1), we aim to image the weathering zone using the geophysical approach. Using the seismic method, we can differentiate different weathered layers based on the seismic velocity while also providing a 2D subsurface image of the critical zone. We conducted a seismic weight drop experiment in the Private Reserve Santa Gracia, Chile, to observe the depth of the weathering zone in a semi-arid climate and compare the resulting model with existing borehole data (Krone et al., 2021; Weckmann et al., 2020). The acquired data can then be used for multiple seismic imaging techniques, including body wave tomography and multichannel analysis of surface waves.

The DFG Priority Program 1803 "EarthShape - Earth Surface Shaping by Biota" (2016-2022; explored between scientific disciplines and includes geoscientists and biologists to study from different viewpoints the complex question how microorganisms, animals, and plants influence the shape and development of the Earth’s surface over time scales from the present-day to the young geologic past. All study sites are located in the north-to-south trending Coastal Cordillera mountains of Chile, South America. These sites span from the Atacama Desert in the north to the Araucaria forests approximately 1300 km to the south. The site selection contains a large ecological and climate gradient ranging from very dry to humid climate conditions.

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Creator Trichandi, Rahmantara ORCID logo; Bauer, Klaus ORCID logo; Ryberg, Trond ORCID logo; Scherler, Dirk ORCID logo; Bataille, Klaus ORCID logo; Krawczyk, Charlotte M. ORCID logo
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Contributor Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP); GIPP Support Team; Bauer, Klaus
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Crossref Funder ID 201924 GIDES; Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP) 201924 GIDES; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Crossref Funder ID KR 2073/5-1 SPP-1803
Rights CC BY 4.0;
OpenAccess true
Contact GIPP Support Team (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany); Bauer, Klaus (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany)
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Seismology
Spatial Coverage (-71.163W, -29.761S, -71.159E, -29.759N); Location of seismic survey in the Private Reserve Santa Gracia, Chile
Temporal Point 2024-06-30T00:00:00Z