Extra data required to CMORize EC-Earth3 climate model output for CMIP6. This data is automatically downloaded by the ece2cmor3 (https://github.com/EC-Earth/ece2cmor3) and cmor-fixer (https://github.com/EC-Earth/cmor-fixer) tools during data processing.
nemo-vertices-ORCA1-t-grid.nc: netCDF4 file containing vertices arrays for the cell-center scalar ORCA grid at 1 degree resolution
nemo-vertices-ORCA1-u-grid.nc: netCDF4 file containing vertices arrays for the meridional velocity grid at 1 degree resolution
nemo-vertices-ORCA1-u-grid.nc: netCDF4 file containing vertices arrays for the zonal velocity grid at 1 degree resolution
nemo-vertices-ORCA025-t-grid.nc: netCDF4 file containing vertices arrays for the cell-center scalar ORCA grid at 1/4 degree resolution
nemo-vertices-ORCA025-u-grid.nc: netCDF4 file containing vertices arrays for the meridional velocity grid at 1/4 degree resolution
nemo-vertices-ORCA025-u-grid.nc: netCDF4 file containing vertices arrays for the zonal velocity grid at 1/4 degree resolution
omit-mask-for-regrid-bug-in-ec-earth-atmospheric-land-masked-variables.nc: The IFS land masked variables in EC-Earth3 which have been cmorised with an ece2cmor3 version earlier than v1.7 have wrong values at certain nearby coast points due to a regridding issue (see https://github.com/EC-Earth/ece2cmor3/issues/691). The points in this mask with value 1 have to be omitted in any analysis for these land masked variables.