Aeromagnetic dataset from the Tromm Granite in the southern Odenwald

The crystalline basement is due to its vast heat content a major target for geothermal utilization, with the largest resources tied to permeable fault zones. However, as in the Upper Rhine Graben, the basement has often been explored by only a few wells or seismic lines penetrating the sedimentary cover, which poses significant risks for the development of geothermal power plants. Outcrop analog studies help to overcome this lack of structural data. The Tromm Granite was identified as suitable analog for the basement in the northern Upper Rhine Graben, located at the northeastern rift margin. A drone-based aeromagnetic survey was conducted in March 2022, covering an area of about 13.3 km² in the center of the pluton. This dataset allows a refined mapping and characterization of potentially permeable fault zones. With this publication, the acquired aeromagnetic dataset is made freely available. Attached is the text file "Magnetic_dataset_full.txt" which contains all measurements of the magnetic field. In addition, georeferenced grids of the magnetic field intensity (TMI) as well as the reduction to the magnetic pole (RtP) are given. Details about the data acquisition and the basic processing steps are summarized in the text file "Survey and processing details.txt".

Metadata Access
Creator Frey, Matthis; Bossennec, Claire; Sass, Ingo
Publisher TU Darmstadt
Contributor TU Darmstadt
Publication Year 2022
Rights CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Discipline Other