Structural biology is very informative discipline providing strong support to virtually any biochemistry related project, however in many cases a lack of expertise is a barrier limiting application of structural biology techniques in the most exciting projects. Foundation of Structural Biology Core Facility (SBCF) at Jagiellonian University (JU, Krakow, Poland) was motivated by a need of providing a support of local experts to biochemists who could potentially benefit from detailed knowledge of their proteins of interest. SBCF is based on two pillars - cryo-EM and macromolecular crystallography. The later being conducted with the use of state-of-art beamlines at European synchrotron radiation sources. Since 2019 SBCF assisted in over 55 peer-reviewed publications. With this proposal we'd like to apply for an access to state of the art crystallographic bemlines at ESRF to help our user community to benefit from the brightest and most advanced X-ray sources in Europe.