We study the crustal structure of Sri Lanka by analyzing data from a temporary seismic network deployed in 2016-2017 (Seneviratne et al., 2016) to shed light on the amalgamation process from the geophysical perspective. Rayleigh wave phase dispersion from ambient noise cross-correlation and receiver functions were jointly inverted using a transdimensional Bayesian approach (Bodin et al., 2012, Dreiling & Tilmann, 2019).
The dataset provides results from Dreiling et al. (2020) and includes multiple files:
(1) the ASCII file 1-results.dat, including the Moho depths and Vp/Vs derived from Bayesian inversion and Hκ-stack grid search, and average crustal Vs and depth of mid-crustal interface from Bayesian inversion and uncertainties for each seismic station, as summarized in Table S2 in the Supporting Information to the manuscript, and
(2) the ASCII files _models.dat (explicit station name), each includes the final median Vs-depth model beneath each station derived from Bayesian inversion, including Vs standard deviations.