Hear-and-Avoid: Acoustic Detection of General Aviation Aircraft for UAV


This dataset consists of audio recordings of overflying general aviation propeller aircraft which overfly the microphone array. The data is labeled to identify where the plane overflies the microphone.

DOI https://doi.org/10.34894/ARULTD
Metadata Access https://dataverse.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34894/ARULTD
Creator Wijnker, Dirk; van Dijk, Tom; Snellen, Mirjam; de Croon, Guido; De Wagter, Christophe
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor de Wagter, Christophe
Publication Year 2020
Rights CC0 Waiver; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
OpenAccess true
Contact de Wagter, Christophe (Delft University)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip; audio/x-wave; text/csv; video/mp4
Size 20557378; 377544; 9822544; 8107544; 9360044; 41482; 17405044; 9972544; 2035044; 1762544; 2887544; 3725044; 3052544; 3922544; 11812544; 3652544; 1757544; 1817544; 10752544; 4967544; 3297544; 5832544; 3257544; 1465044; 385044; 3252544; 9220044; 3760044; 6647544; 2935044; 3730044; 5520044; 7140044; 3270044; 8290044; 8642544; 22410044; 18982; 2740044; 4650044; 4752544; 11627544; 5727544; 301482; 1425044; 5080044; 5937544; 13167544; 11217544; 1780044; 3450044; 14295044; 15440044; 10935044; 14092544; 4372544; 7467544; 13277544; 13977544; 6600044; 10632544; 2465044; 5060044; 12177544; 23087544; 16947544; 11605044; 21670044; 9500044; 434966; 8287544; 35475044; 14760044; 5400044; 5652544; 7800044; 6047544; 5470044; 5332544; 5147544; 6730044; 6220044; 5435044; 2583; 917174557; 369152564; 169430825; 99992827; 102768911; 229411886; 185543293; 275793293; 428499353; 437344331; 470077608
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences