First wave of panel study on the economic aspects of aging. Both heads of household and partner have been questioned. Adjusted questionnaires for: (P1257A) persons in employment (B:) self employed (C:) on early retirement (D:) recipients of disablement insurance benefit (E:) other persons without a job. R.'s physical condition, contacts with medical care, doctors, hospitals last 12 months, physical problems with daily activities, physical and mental complaints / health insurance, own risk / satisfaction with residence and housing conditions / housing costs, rent subsidy, financial burden / value of r.'s house / plans to remove, motives / time spent on daily, weekly activities / changes in quality of r.'s life / type of job, type of company, pressure of work / part-timers: reason why, preferred number of working hours per week / days vacation per year / sources of income / pension entitlements / conditions for early retirement (VUT) / occurrence of early retirement and rejection on medical grounds (WAO) and r.'s work / changes in r.'s job, function: reason and consequences / actual health problems, consequences for work, causes, adaption of work, tasks, cooperation of employer / job satisfaction, wish for other job, motives, efforts made to find other job / wish for (early) retirement, motives, conditions required by r. / (dis-)advantages of having a job / attitude of people around r. to early retirement, financial precautions made for retirement / expected occupational status after two years / r.'s previous employer: type of company, job, function, pressure of work, earnings, pension entitlement, motives to change job / job career, experiences on labour market / occupational status two years ago: job, nr. of working hours, income / expectation to leave a legacy / importance of a good income, appreciation of different levels of income. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership