Paleoceanographic data based on radiolarian assemblages since the late Miocene from the western tropical Indian Ocean at ODP Site 115-710


We present radiolarian assemblages data since the late Miocene (~10-0 Ma) at Ocean Drilling Program Site 710 (4°18.7'S and 60°58.8'E; water depth, 3812 m) in the western tropical Indian Ocean for reconstructing the history of Sea Surface temperature (SST), Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), biological productivity, and Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). A total of 99 sediment samples were used to characterize radiolarian assemblages in this study. The geomagnetic time scale was adopted from the Geologic Time Scale 2020 (Gradstein et al., 2020) to estimate the age of each sample. Here radiolarian percentages data and radiolarian based paleoceanographic data (SST, ITF, biological productivity, and AAIW) from Site 710 are uploaded. The SST were estimated based on extant radiolarian species using the equation of Matsuzaki et al. (2020, Geology). To monitor ITF changes, the relative abundances of five taxa (Zygocircus spp., Botryostrobus scutum, Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus, Dictyocoryne spp., and the collodaria group) were used in this study. To trace biological productivity, we used the WADE index of Lazarus et al. (2006, Marine Micropaleontology). However, note that our study modifies the original WADE index by inverting the ratio for ease of interpretation. To monitor AAIW changes, the relative abundances of Cycladophora bicornis, Lithelius haeckelispiralis, and Larcopyle weddellium were used in this study.

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Metadata Access
Creator Kamikuri, Shin-Ichi ORCID logo; Matsuzaki, Kenji M ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2025
Funding Reference Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Crossref Funder ID 22K03791 Analysis of spatial and temporal variations in marine biodiversity throughout the Neogene based on microfossils; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Crossref Funder ID 23K03559 Impact of the Tsushima Current on the Sea of Japan paleooceanography and ecosystems in during climate phases warmer than today
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; Data access is restricted (moratorium, sensitive data, license constraints);
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Bundled Publication of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 2 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (60.980 LON, -4.312 LAT)
Temporal Coverage Begin 1987-06-08T20:45:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1987-06-10T15:00:00Z