NIPO weekpeilingen 1990

Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1990 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older.

All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections.

Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor.

Topical variables: n9002: Frequency of church attendance in the past year / Church attendance last Christmas / Listening to a worship on radio or TV during last Christmas / Having a Christmas dinner at a restaurant / Christmas tree at home / Christmas tree with electric light outside the house / Christmas presents / Celebrating New Years Eve / Church attendance on New Years Eve / Fireworks on New Years Eve / Influenza epidemic / Whether respondent had an influenza vaccination. n9003: Familiarity with coming elections and kind of elections / Whether municipal politics or a particular party's political program is influencing respondent's party preference / General interest of respondent in politics / Respondent's interest in national, provincial, and municipal politics. n9005: South-Africa and apartheid policy / Respondent's opinion on development of the apartheid policy / Whether Dutch firms with offices and factories in South-Africa should close them down / Opinion on policy of some Dutch municipalities less willing to deal with firms having ties with South-Africa / Government interference with municipalities, deciding not to deal with firms tied up in South-Africa / If living in South-Africa for a long time: attitude towards apartheid policy / Whether the situation in South-Africa will be better or worse after the abolition of apartheid policy / Most often used kind of transportation: car, motorbike, motorcycle, bicycle, or other / Respondent's own behaviour in traffic better or worse compared with others / Whether respondent is environment minded. n9007: Someone in family owning a car / Number of cars in family / One car mainly used by respondent / Respondent could manage without a car / Normal means of transportation to work / Working place could be reached within reasonable time with public transport / Distance between place of work and the house / Means of transportation for shopping at a shopping center / East-Germany and West-Germany two separate states after World War II: opinion on unification of both states / Ethnic minorities should have the right to separate from larger states and join states where they 'feel' to belong to / Latvia Letland, Lithuania Litouen and Estonia Estland should be independent from Soviet union / Presence of American forces as NATO task force in West-Europe. n9009: Reunification of East- and West-Germany / Expected reunification date of East-Germany and West-Germany / Whether a reunified Germany should be a member of the EEC / Whether a reunified Germany should be a NATO member / Disarmament negotiations between members of the Warsaw Pact and NATO: task of all NATO countries together, all countries apart or EEC without Canada and USA / Financial aid of West European countries and EEC countries for East-Europe / Help to East-Europe should have priority now over help to for instance African countries / With regard to recent developments in South-Africa, whether there should be a change in the policy concerning sanctions against South-Africa / Continuation of demonstrations against the presence of Shell in South-Africa. n9013: Familiarity with the Dutch painter Van Gogh / Familiarity with and appreciation of the Van Gogh paintings and drawings / Intention to visit the special Van Gogh exhibition during the "Van Gogh Jaar" / General interest in the art of painting. n9014: Respondent's familiarity with income tax and tax-deductible items / Understanding of the meaning of the 'reiskosten-forfait' fixed deduction of travel expenses / Whether respondent is having a job outside the house / Distance between home and place where respondent is working / Whether the recent 1989 tax rates are having consequences for respondent's net income / Whether respondent followed news on elections in East-Germany / Reunification of East- and West-Germany and expected date of reunification / Influence on Dutch economy and export in case of a reunified Germany. n9016: Developments in the world depend highly on decisions of leading figures in a number of countries / Which prime ministers and presidents perform well: president Bush of the Unites States, chancellor Kohl from West-Germany , president Gorbachow from the Soviet union, president Mitterand from France, premier Lubbers from the Netherlands, premier Thatcher from Great-Britain, Lech Walesa the leader of Solidarity in Poland, Gadaffi the leader of Lybia, president De Klerk from South-Africa. n9018: Respondent followed negotiations between trade unions and employers organizations on increasing wages / Respondent's own income effected by negotiations results / Respondent will have higher income this year compared with last year / Respondent's familiarity with the term "koppeling" increase of welfare payments with wage levels and whether respondent is adhering a "koppeling" policy / Satisfaction with own income / Easily making ends meet / Higher salaries generally very pleasant, but does respondent personally need a higher income / Whether respondent should be satisfied with an increase in income of two-and-a-half percent. n9023: Preferred political leader of the Netherlands: Brinkman, Bolkestein, Dales, Kok, Lubbers, Mrs. May-Weggen, Van Mierlo, Voorhoeve, De Vries, Wiegel, Wolfensperger / Having much or little confidence in those politicians. n9032: Confidence in a solid spending of the Dutch financial aid for Surinam and should there be additional terms set to Surinam for allocating this financial support / Whether respondent is driving a car / Violation of speed limits by respondent / Violation of speed limits by other road users / Whether violation of speed limits is a threat for traffic safety / Control on and fines for violation of speed limits / Serious violation of speed limits to be considered as a crime. n9034: Number of days working / Number of hours working in one / Preferred number of working hours in a / Preferred number of days working in a / Opinion about the four-day working with a total of 36 working hours / Whether respondent followed news about the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq / Dutch participation in boycott and blockade Iraq, despite possible higher petrol and oil prices / Use of Dutch warships for an actual boycott. n9036: Prohibition by certain municipalities, based on fear for riots, on giving press conferences by the "Centrumpartij" extreme rightwing party and other foreign fascist parties / More nuclear power stations to prevent to be dependent on oil from the Middle East for the Dutch energy supply. Ideal family size / Whether respondent is having children, number of children / Number of children in respondent's parental family. n9039: Willingness of respondent to contribute to general voting expenses / Use of respondent's right to vote / Respondent's opinion about reasons for non-voting of others / Respondent's interest in politics / Whether it causes any difference when people vote or not, and on any particular party / Whether the blockade of Iraq will have any influence on Saddam Hussein decision to release all foreign hostages / Interference of the American army. n9046: Developments in the USSR and other East-European countries / Expected results of Perestrojka / Necessity of West-European aid for the USSR / Immigration policy towards East-European immigrants / Admittance of new countries as members of the European Community / Whether conflicts between East-European countries are a threat for peace in Europe / Necessity of Warsaw-Pact and NATO / NATO membership of the Netherlands. n9047: Severe control on provision of social security benefits and tax evasion / Linking between social security benefits and salaries in enterprises / Linking between salaries of officials and salaries in enterprises / Satisfaction with income / Occupation of Kuwait by Iraq and hostages of Saddam Hussein / Interference of the allied armies of the USA, Egypt, Syria, Great Britain and France in the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait / Expectations concerning a war with Iraq. n9048: Expectations for 1991 concerning strikes, economic prosperity, labour conflicts, international conflicts, a next world war, unemployment and own financial situation. n9050: Extent of influence on income by respondent, the government, the unions, and economic developments. n9051: Use of public transport / Satisfaction about public transport facilities / Preference for travelling by car / Having a car / Having a photo camera / Quality rating of a number of products from various countries.

Metadata Access
Creator Netherlands Institute for Public Opinion and Marketing Research - NIPO
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Publication Year 2014
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Language Dutch; Flemish
Resource Type Dataset
Format SPSS; PDF
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Nederland; Netherlands