In 2016, the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (Hannover, Germany) carried out two seismic surveys in the Lienz basin. The measurements are part of a DFG-funded project, which investigates the benefit of the application of modern multi-component reflection seismics preparatory to scientific drilling, in particular to the ICDP-project DOVE (Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys). Four P-wave seismic profiles, perpendicular to the valley axes, were recorded using vibroseismic technique to gain structure and facies information. In addition, two SH-wave reflection seismics, one 6-component profile, two small 3-D layouts for P-wave and S-waves, as well as one P-wave and SH-wave refraction seismic profiles were measured for primarily methodological studies. Data show a good quality and, in a first quality control, the bedrock as well as internal structures of the basin are imaged.