During the research cruise SO-94 with the german research vessel "Sonne", these reflection seismic profiles were collected in March 1994 in Papua New Guinea in the New Ireland basin and the Manus basin. The survey is located between 2°S 151°E and 4°S 154°E. Equipment: Acoustic source was a GI-Gun (Seismic Systems Inc) with 2x1.5 liters volume, fired in a sequence with 30ms delay and dragged in 6m water depth. The collecting streamer had an active length of 100m, installed after a tow leader of 125m and a stretch section of 25m. It was built by "Teledyne Marine". The collected signals were electronically stacked to single channel data. Data were collected with a unit of 120db dynamic range, built at the Marine Sensors Group at the Unversity of Bremen. They are fully processed with the following processing steps: bandpass filter: 10/20-180/250 Hz; notch filter: 50 Hz und 150 Hz; FD-migration with 1500 m/s; AGC-window: 500 msec; clipping. Data are presented in SEGY-data format.
Supplement to: Gennerich, Hans-Hermann (2002): Der Tabar-Feni-Inselbogen und sein plattentektonisches Regime, oder Wie entsteht ein Inselbogen ohne eine aktive Subduktionszone. Geowissenschaften