Taiteen ja kulttuurin barometri: taiteilijoiden ja taiteen liikkuvuus: taiteilijakysely 2018


Taiteen ja kulttuurin barometri on vuosittainen Kulttuuripolitiikan tutkimuskeskuksen Cuporen ja Taiteen edistämiskeskuksen (Taike) yhteistyönä toteutettu tutkimus. Vuoden 2018 barometrin aiheena oli taiteen ja taiteilijoiden liikkuvuus. Aineistoa kerättiin kahden kyselyn avulla, joista ensimmäinen suunnattiin tukea jakaville organisaatioille ja toinen taiteilijoille. Tietoarkistosta on saatavilla taiteilijoille suunnatun kyselyn vastausaineisto. Kyselyn avulla kartoitettiin taiteilijoiden itsensä suhdetta liikkuvuuteen. Tutkimushanke on Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön rahoittama. Aluksi vastaajilta kysyttiin taustatietoja muun muassa vuonna 2017 haetuista liikkumistuista. Seuraavaksi kartoitettiin vastaajan näkemystä erilaisten liikkuvuutta mahdollistavien tukimuotojen tärkeydestä ja esitettiin kysymyksiä asuinpaikan ulkopuolelle sijoittuvista työskentelyjaksoista. Edelleen esitettiin väittämiä liikkuvuuden syistä ja motiiveista, erilaisista tukimuodoista, taiteilijana työskentelystä sekä liikkuvuuden arvoista. Lopuksi esitettiin väittämiä liittyen taiteen kentän yhdenvertaisuuteen, käsityksiin taiteilijuudesta ja taiteesta sekä taiteilijoille suunnatuista tuista, kuten apurahoista. Taustamuuttujina aineistossa ovat vastaajan taiteenala, sukupuoli, ikä, asuinpaikka, äidinkieli, työmarkkina-asema ja koulutus.

The Arts and Culture Barometer is an annual survey conducted in collaboration by the Center for Cultural Policy Research (CUPORE) and Arts Promotion Centre Finland (TAIKE). The theme of the Arts and Culture Barometer 2018 was the mobility of art and artists. The data for the barometer were collected with two surveys: the first survey was directed at organisations that provide funding for artists and the second survey at the artists themselves. The data from the artist survey are available at FSD. The survey charted artists' perceptions and experiences of mobility both in general and in their own work. First, the respondents were asked whether they had performed artistic work or earned an arts-related degree outside Finland and whether they had applied for a mobility grant in 2017. The respondents' views on various matters relating to mobility support, such as the importance of travel grants, subsidies for artistic activities, networking and production support, and interdisciplinary cooperation, were surveyed. The locations where the respondents had worked or would prefer to work outside their place of residence were examined (e.g. elsewhere in Finland, in Western or Eastern Europe, in Asia). Next, the respondents were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with several statements regarding the reasons and motives behind mobility of art and artists. The statements included, for instance, whether the respondents thought that art develops without mobility, the main motive for working abroad is to be inspired and stimulated, and establishing relationships with art institutes, other artists, or art schools is a key aspect of mobility. The respondents' opinions on the mobility of artists in practice were charted with statements concerning, for instance, whether they thought that they would be interested in working abroad, working abroad should be possible for as many Finnish artists as possible, and they would have better opportunities abroad to develop in their career. Statements were also presented regarding the forms of support available for mobility, including, for instance, whether the respondents thought that different forms of support were sufficient and easy to obtain, the work of foreign artists in Finland should be supported more, and the process of awarding support for mobility should be simplified and accelerated. Finally, the respondents were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with various statements on mobility-related values (e.g. whether they thought that promoting equality should be a more important basis for supporting mobility and mobility support should be more bilateral) and equality (e.g. whether equality is realised in the arts sector). General views on art, working as an artist, and grants and other support were also surveyed with statements concerning, for example, whether the respondents thought art should be of high standard and quality, and available and accessible to all, whether an artist is any person who defines him- or herself as an artist, a person whose main income comes from artistic work, or a person who is recognised as an artist by the artist community, and whether the amount of artist grants should be increased and the duration extended. Background variables included the respondent's art field, gender, age, municipality of residence, mother tongue, employment status, and highest level of education.

Todennäköisyysotanta: yksinkertainen satunnaisotantaProbability.SimpleRandom

Probability: Simple randomProbability.SimpleRandom

Itsetäytettävä lomake: verkkolomakeSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.CAWI

Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.CAWI

DOI https://doi.org/10.60686/t-fsd3404
Source https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3404
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=e2eae44b7973120f38c647709e4c40016adf195c0c253889860826884116b123
Creator Kulttuuripolitiikan tutkimuskeskus Cupore; Taiteen edistämiskeskus (TAIKE); Center for Cultural Policy Research (CUPORE); Arts Promotion Centre Finland (TAIKE)
Publisher Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto; Finnish Social Science Data Archive
Publication Year 2020
Rights Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto; Finnish Social Science Data Archive; Tietoarkiston ja aineiston luovuttajan tekemän sopimuksen mukaisesti.; In accordance with the agreement between FSD and the depositor.; Aineisto on käytettävissä (B) tutkimukseen, opetukseen ja opiskeluun.; The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.
OpenAccess true
Contact https://www.fsd.tuni.fi/
Resource Type Kvantitatiivinen; Quantitative
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Humanities; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Suomi; Finland; Suomi; Finland