The data set includes, sulfide and sulfur concentrations, SUP05 cell densities, as well as denitrification and carbon fixation rates (based on 15N- and 13C-labelled in situ incubation experiments). The transect extends from the sulfidic upper shelf into the sulfide-free offshore oxygen minimum zone.
Supplement to: Callbeck, Cameron; Lavik, Gaute; Ferdelman, Timothy G; Fuchs, Bernhard M; Gruber-Vodicka, Harald R; Hach, Philipp F; Littmann, Sten; Schoffelen, Niels J; Kalvelage, Tim; Thomsen, Soeren; Schunck, Harald; Löscher, Carolin R; Schmitz, Ruth A; Kuypers, Marcel MM (2018): Oxygen minimum zone cryptic sulfur cycling sustained by offshore transport of key sulfur oxidizing bacteria.