Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
This project explored how young people think about suicide and self-harm. Specifically, it considered how young people's understandings of how distress relating to gender identity or sexuality could lead to suicide. It adopted a discourse analytic approach, understanding that suicidal behaviour becomes possible only insofar as it makes sense. The study also focused on struggles young people may experience around sexuality and gender identity and how these struggles may lead to suicidal behaviour. The research involved 11 focus groups and 13 interviews with participants aged 16-25 years. The fieldwork took place in the North West of England and South Wales. Three focus groups were made up of young people who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGB or T). Seven interviewees identified themselves lesbian, gay or bisexual. Further information about the research can be found at the project's web site or ESRC award web page.
Main Topics:
Youth, suicide, self-harm, sexuality, gender identity, homophobia, identity, gender, sexual orientation, suicide, adolescents, ideation.
Purposive selection/case studies
Volunteer sample
volunteers were invited but specific efforts were made to ensure ethnic diversity and to include a proportion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender participants
Face-to-face interview
focus group