Only recently, we have investigated in detail the evolution of the structural and magnetic phase transition temperatures of the system Ni1-xCuxCr2O4. Competing Jahn-Teller distortions combined with geometrical frustration give rise to a rich phase diagram as a function of x(Cu) and temperature. In the present study we want to investigate in more detail the change of the magnetic structure of the system Ni1-xCuxCr2O4 in the range 0 < x(Cu) < 0.20, where the propagation vector k = (001) of the antiferromagnetic mode of NiCr2O4 is changing to a mode with k = 0. A neutron diffraction study on the instrument E2 will allow us to determine a complete picture of the magnetic spin structures. Furthermore the investigation of the structure properties on the instrument E9 will help us to understand the interplay between structural and magnetic properties.