Tab. 1: Zircon isotopic data and rock ages from the Antarctic Peninsula

Morphological and U-Pb isotope studies on sedimentary zircons reflect the orogenic evolution of their former host rocks. The orogenic history of detrital zircons from the Trinity Peninsula Formation (TPF) defines the former geological surrounding of the sedimentation basin of the TPF. Same few weil rounded, polycyclic zircons of Precambrian age and Cambrian overprint give hints for an old cratonic source rock. Because of their very low frequency compared with euhedral types, the contribution of an cratonic shield area to the bulk of the sedimentary debris is neglectable low. Euhedral zircons of granitoid origin and Carboniferous age indicate a derivation from an area of widespread Carboniferous intrusions. Except for southern South America and unsurveyed regions in the Antarctic Peninsula itself, no region could deliver zircons with a Carboniferous age record. The only acceptable explanation for the origin of these zircons is a position of the Antarctic Peninsula during the sedimentation of the TPF approximately southwest of southern South America.

s = S-type zircons, c = C-type zirkons, r = reddish colour, b = brownish color, p = pink colour, a = all colours, m = metamict. Usedconstants: STEIGER & JÄGER (1977). Common-Pb composition: STACEY & KREAMERS (1975). Euhedral zirkons 400 Ma, xenomorphic zircons 700 and 800 Ma. Composition of Pb-blank: 208/204, 207/204, 206/204: 37.5, 15.5, 17.72

Supplement to: Miller, Hubert; Loske, Werner; Kramm, Ulrich (1987): Zircon provenance and Gondwana reconstruction: U-Pb data of detrital zircons from Triassic Trinity Peninsula formation metasandstones. Polarforschung, 57(1/2), 59-69

Metadata Access
Creator Miller, Hubert; Loske, Werner; Kramm, Ulrich
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1987
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 390 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-60.500W, -63.317S, -57.933E, -62.600N); Gandara Island, Antarctic Peninsula; Livingston + Hurd Island, South Shetland Islands, Western Antarctica