Color data (RGB) of IODP Hole 386-M0095A


Color data obtained from split core sections from the above given hole of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 386 (Japan Trench Paleoseismology) during the onshore phase. The onshore phase of expedition 386 took place between 2022-02-14 – 2022-03-15 onboard D/V Chikyu. After longitudinal splitting of the core sections, high-resolution (100 pixels/cm) images of archive half was captured using the Tri-Sensor Core Logger (TSCL; NS Design). The camera provides a 16-bit red-green-blue (RGB) color (48-bit) TIFF file from which the RGB data were derived in 1 mm down-core resolution. For each section: 1) the TIFF file (from line scanning) full resolution was opened and channels scaled to 0-255; 2) TIFF file cut at top (2475 px) and bottom (2470 px + length of the section x resolution); 3) for every line of pixel down section, R, G, B values were averaged over a width of 450 px across the centre of the section (\~4.5 cm width) and data placed into a table compiling all sections of a hole; 4) for every depth interval, where a piece of sponge was observed on the linescan, R, G, B data were deleted; 5) R, G, B data were also deleted to the top and bottom ~1 cm of each section, to account for possible gaps or pieces of liner.For further methodological information see methods chapter in Strasser, M. et al., 2023

Data was submitted and proofread by Vera Barbara Bender, MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (University Bremen) on behalf of ECORD Science Operator Data Management (

Related Identifier References
Metadata Access
Creator Strasser, Michael ORCID logo; Ikehara, Ken; Everest, Jeremy D ORCID logo; Maeda, Lena; Hochmuth, Katharina ORCID logo; Grant, Hannah; Stewart, Margaret S (ORCID: 0000-0002-0633-252X); Sakurai, Noriaki; Yokoyama, Takahiro; Bao, Rui; Bellanova, Piero; Brunet, Morgane; Cai, Zhirong; Cattaneo, Antonio ORCID logo; Hsiung, Kan-Hsi; Huang, Jyh-Jaan Steven; Ishizawa, Tahashi; Itaki, Takuya ORCID logo; Jitsuno, Kana; Johnson, Joel E ORCID logo; Kanamatsu, Toshiya ORCID logo; Keep, Myra; Kioka, Arata; Kölling, Martin ORCID logo; Luo, Min ORCID logo; März, Christian; McHugh, Cecilia M G; Micallef, Aaron ORCID logo; Nagahashi, Yoshitaka; Pandey, Dhananjai K ORCID logo; Proust, Jean-Noël ORCID logo; Rasbury, Troy; Riedinger, Natascha ORCID logo; Satoguchi, Yasufumi ORCID logo; Sawyer, Derek E.; Seibert, Chloé; Silver, Maxwell; Straub, Susanne M; Virtasalo, Joonas J ORCID logo; Wang, Yong Hong; Wu, Ting-Wei; Zellers, Sarah D
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2025
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 29697 data points
Discipline Design; Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; Humanities
Spatial Coverage (143.408 LON, 36.892 LAT); Japan Trench