Papers of Ernst Leumann (134): Jaina-M[anuskripte] der Straßburger Bibliothek...
Jaina-M[anuskripte] der Straßburger Bibliothek : Liste d. Titel mit Angabe d. Bibliothek-Nummern u. d. veröffentlichten Erwähnungen Katalognummer: 134 Medium/Umfang: 7 pp. + 5... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (126): [Vyavahāra-ṭīkā] Die Kathānaka in Malayagiri's...
[Vyavahāra-ṭīkā] Die Kathānaka in Malayagiri's Vyavahāra-ṭīkā Beautifully written tr. of all the Pkt. and Skt. stories found in this comm. Katalognummer: 126 Medium/Umfang: 2... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (195): [Aṣṭasahasrikā Prajñāpāramitā] Excerpte aus Ha...
[Aṣṭasahasrikā Prajñāpāramitā] Excerpte aus Haribhadra's Commentar zur Aṣṭasahasrikā Prajñāpāramitā (nach dem Ms. von Prof. Sylvain Lévi; der Anfang nach dem Calcutta-Exemplar)... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (159): [Paryuṣaṇākalpa] Aus Jinaprabha's Comm. zum Pa...
[Paryuṣaṇākalpa] Aus Jinaprabha's Comm. zum Paryuṣaṇākalpa (Jinacar[itra]) The first page reads: "Jinaprabha's Bemerkungen zum Schluß des Jinacaritra in Paryūṣaṇākalpa. (Aus der... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (77): Śrīsūkta : mit Comm. (bhāshya)
Śrīsūkta : mit Comm. (bhāshya) Katalognummer: 77 Medium/Umfang: unbound leaves; pp. 193-215 Projektmetadaten: 20 : Śrīsūkta : mit Comm. (bhāshya) 77 : unbound leaves; pp.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (97): Kṣāmaṇā-kula ; Brit.Mus.Ms.or. 2122
Kṣāmaṇā-kula ; Brit.Mus.Ms.or. 2122 Tr. of this Pkt. work Katalognummer: 97 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-4 Handschriftennummern: Br 2122 Projektmetadaten: 20 : Kṣāmaṇā-kula ;... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (102): Vicāraṣaṭtriṃśikā. Pratiṣṭhākalpa-stavana : Br...
Vicāraṣaṭtriṃśikā. Pratiṣṭhākalpa-stavana : Brit.Mus.Ms.or. 2132 Contents of the two texts Katalognummer: 102 Medium/Umfang: 1 p. Handschriftennummern: Br. 2132... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (94): Kathākośa
Kathākośa Extracts of the text and running analysis of the 27 stories comparing this work Katalognummer: 94 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-8 Anmerkungen: Bendall's Ms. pres. to him by... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (87): Ṣaṭpañcāsikā : von Varāhamihira's Sohn. Mit Utp...
Ṣaṭpañcāsikā : von Varāhamihira's Sohn. Mit Utpāla's Commentar based on Ms. der Wiener Univ.-Bibl.: Manuscripta I,79 (innen I,38816) + I,80 (innen I,38836) Katalognummer: 87... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (110): Harivaṃśapurāṇa : Brit.Mus.Ms.or. 3350. P XXII...
Harivaṃśapurāṇa : Brit.Mus.Ms.or. 3350. P XXII 1134 Tr. of vss. 71-126 describing the contents of the work and of LXVI.11-56 (final part of the text), along with various... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (89): Medicin : Auszüge aus Kalkālaya (Berl.Ms. Ch.43...
Medicin : Auszüge aus Kalkālaya (Berl.Ms. Ch.438), Vopadeva's Comm. zu Sāngadhara Saṃhitā (Berl.Ms. Ch.411), Suśruta's Ophthalmologie. Katalognummer: 89 Medium/Umfang: unbound... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (56): [Piṇḍa-niryukti] Die Citate in Malayagiri's Sch...
[Piṇḍa-niryukti] Die Citate in Malayagiri's Scholion zur Piṇḍaniryukti Katalognummer: 56 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-3 Projektmetadaten: 20 : [Piṇḍa-niryukti] Die Citate in... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (27): Nisīh'ajjhayaṇa (Auszüge)
Nisīh'ajjhayaṇa (Auszüge) Extracts based on Berlin mss. or. fol. 1022, 1021, 728, 656 Katalognummer: 27 Medium/Umfang: unbound leaves; pp. 1-6 Handschriftennummern: B 1022B... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (37): [Āvaśyaka-Sūtren] Die ursprünglichen Āvaśyaka-S...
[Āvaśyaka-Sūtren] Die ursprünglichen Āvaśyaka-Sūtren Crit. ed. of the 'ursprünglichen' Āv.sūtras, with extracts from the commentaries and crit. notes. The third sūtra (icchāmi... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (54): Piṇḍa-niryukti (Daśavaikālika-niry. V) : 1 - 709
Piṇḍa-niryukti (Daśavaikālika-niry. V) : 1 - 709 Very clean and complete ed. based on S = Straßburger Ms. von Text u. Scholien and P = Text Ms. in Poona auf Palmblättern. -... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (46): [Āvaśyaka] Glossar zu den Āvaśyaka-Erzählungen ...
[Āvaśyaka] Glossar zu den Āvaśyaka-Erzählungen in Haribhadra's Comm. und in der Cūrṇi. Einiges aus Vyavah[āra]-bh[āṣya] peḍh. - IV,150 Katalognummer: 46 Medium/Umfang: Binding... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (51): Āvaśyaka-saptatikā : mit Auszügen aus Maheśvara...
Āvaśyaka-saptatikā : mit Auszügen aus Maheśvara's Commentar. Nach d. Cambridge Ms. Add. No 2203 A very clean c. containing 1. the text of the 70 vss. of the Āv.-saptatikā (pp.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (47): Āvaśyaka-niryukti-ṭīkā
Āvaśyaka-niryukti-ṭīkā The contents are clearly indicated on the first page: 'Haribhadra's Āvaśyaka-niryukti-ṭīkā nach Berl. Ms.or.fol. 763 mit Noten aus Āvaśyaka-niryukti-vṛtti... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (29): Kalpa-bhāṣya. Enth. Kalpa-Cūrṇi : Berl.Ms.or.fo...
Kalpa-bhāṣya. Enth. Kalpa-Cūrṇi : Berl.Ms.or.fol. 778 (Weber's Cat. II, 670f. No. 1894) C. 1 (38 pp.): peḍhiyā & I,1-728; c. 2 (72 pp.): I,729 - IV,260; c. 3 (37 pp.):... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (34): [Uttarâdhyayana] Kathās zum Uttarâdhy.
[Uttarâdhyayana] Kathās zum Uttarâdhy. 1. Table of contents of the stories with mention of parallels (p. 1); complete text or brief sketch of the stories, with critical notes...