Kalpa-bhāṣya. Enth. Kalpa-Cūrṇi : Berl.Ms.or.fol. 778 (Weber's Cat. II, 670f. No. 1894)C. 1 (38 pp.): peḍhiyā & I,1-728; c. 2 (72 pp.): I,729 - IV,260; c. 3 (37 pp.): IV,261 - VI,427 (pp. 1-26) & Kalpa-Cūrṇi (pp. 27-37): extracts from the beginning of the text (peḍhiyā 1-546). - C. 1 and 2, and the first half of c. 3 contain the text of the verses of the Kalpabhāṣya, either the full text of only the beginning, with concordances, but all verses are not given. There are lacunae. - The unbound leaves are mostly first drafts of what is found in the copy booksKatalognummer: 29Medium/Umfang: 3 cc.; ca. 130 pp. + unbound leavesHandschriftennummern:B 778Projektmetadaten:20 : Kalpa-bhāṣya. Enth. Kalpa-Cūrṇi : Berl.Ms.or.fol. 778 (Weber's Cat. II, 670f. No. 1894)
26 : Kalpa-Cūrṇi
77 : 3 cc.; ca. 130 pp. + unbound leaves
90 : 29
93 : C. 1 (38 pp.): peḍhiyā & I,1-728; c. 2 (72 pp.): I,729 - IV,260; c. 3 (37 pp.): IV,261 - VI,427 (pp. 1-26) & Kalpa-Cūrṇi (pp. 27-37): extracts from the beginning of the text (peḍhiyā 1-546). - C. 1 and 2, and the first half of c. 3 contain the text of the verses of the Kalpabhāṣya, either the full text of only the beginning, with concordances, but all verses are not given. There are lacunae. - The unbound leaves are mostly first drafts of what is found in the copy books
95 : B 778
Reference: Plutat, Birte: Catalogue of the papers of Ernst Leumann in the Institute for the Culture and History of India and Tibet, University of Hamburg. Stuttgart: Steiner, 1998. Copybook 29, p. resp fol. [No of page of leaf]
The remains belong to "Universität Hamburg - Asien-Afrika-Institut - Abteilung für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets".