Papers of Ernst Leumann (258): [Tattvârtha] Aus Siddhasena Gandhahastin's Tat...
[Tattvârtha] Aus Siddhasena Gandhahastin's Tattvârtha-ṭīkā bhāṣyânusāriṇī : P VIII 595 Tr. based on P VIII 595 and compared to P X 369 Katalognummer: 258 Medium/Umfang: 7 pp. +... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (255): 1. Gautama-Kulaka und 2. das angebliche āṣibhā...
1. Gautama-Kulaka und 2. das angebliche āṣibhāṣita : P XXIV 1144 Clean tr. of the two texts. - Some lacunae especially in the second one Katalognummer: 255 Medium/Umfang: 4 pp.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (270): Devˆndraka Narakˆndraka
Devˆndraka Narakˆndraka Tr. of the first 17 vss. based on the ms P 1784 (containing the text with Municandra's comm.). The work, which is extracted from the Vimānaprajñapti and... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (226): [Pañcaśaka]
[Pañcaśaka] Table of contents, list of verses and stories borrowed from other sources. - Cc. 279 and 280 also deal with this text Katalognummer: 226 Medium/Umfang: 4 pp. Lokale... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (243): Ācāracūḍā
Ācāracūḍā Very neat and compl. tr. of the 81 vss. composing this Pkt. text on the basis of Ms BhD 30320 Katalognummer: 243 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-7 Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (216): [Lokatattvanirṇaya] Die Metren und der Inhalt ...
[Lokatattvanirṇaya] Die Metren und der Inhalt von Haribhadra's Lokatattvanirṇaya : P XXI 1322 Katalognummer: 216 Medium/Umfang: 2 pp. + 1 unbound leaf Lokale Notation: Schu:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (238): [Haribhadra]
[Haribhadra] 1. Haribhadra's "mahāNiśitha-Ausgabe" (6 pp.). - Various unbound leaves with H.'s explanations of some terms. - 2. "Von Haribhadra erwähnte Autoren und Schriften"... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (249): [Karmaprakṛti-ṭīkā] Aus Malayagiri's Karmaprak...
[Karmaprakṛti-ṭīkā] Aus Malayagiri's Karmaprakṛti-ṭīkā Tr. of passages containing references and quotations based on ms. P XII 3972 Katalognummer: 249 Medium/Umfang: 4 pp.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (230): [Śāstravārttāsamuccaya]
[Śāstravārttāsamuccaya] Detailed analysis of the text and of the Śāstravārtāsamuccaya-comm. (total 6 pages) and analysis of the Ṣaḍdarśanasamuccaya (about 2 1/2 pp.)... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (232): [Prajñāpanā] Aus P XII 48. Haribhadra's Prajñā...
[Prajñāpanā] Aus P XII 48. Haribhadra's Prajñāpanā-Komm. Analysis of the text; suppl. to c. 225. - Occasional comparisons with Malyagiri's comm. of the same text Katalognummer:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (218): Śāstravārttāsam[uccaya]
Śāstravārttāsam[uccaya] Clean tr. based on ms. P XIII 1781. - Some lacunae. - C. 1: vss. 1-254; c. 2: 255-510; c. 3: 511-700. - See c. 230 for an analysis of the work... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (228): [Samarāditya-caritra]
[Samarāditya-caritra] 3 leaves about the Samarāditya-caritra (i.e. Samarāiccakahā of Haribhadra), its importance as a "Jaina-Roman", its language, and its future (Skt. remake by... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (167): Āvaśyaka-Erzählungen
Āvaśyaka-Erzählungen Proof-sheets with new collations, various notes and suggestions on some words. - Unbound leaves contain palaeographical notes Katalognummer: 167... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (205): Caityavand[ana]-vṛtti
Caityavand[ana]-vṛtti Tr. of the text based on two Mss.: P = P V 151 and p = P XXI 1241 Katalognummer: 205 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-12 + 2 unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (198): [Aṣṭasahasrikā Prajñāpāramitā] "Haribhadra's K...
[Aṣṭasahasrikā Prajñāpāramitā] "Haribhadra's Kommentar zur Aṣṭasahasrikā Prajñāpāramitā" Notes to structure and contents of the comm. Katalognummer: 198 Medium/Umfang: 7 unbound... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (172): [Āvaśyaka] "Pratīka-Liste zu den Skt.-Strophen...
[Āvaśyaka] "Pratīka-Liste zu den Skt.-Strophen der Āvaśyaka-Niryukti" Clean and supplemented version of c. 48; goes from a to bh Katalognummer: 172 Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; pp.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (193): Aṣṭaka : I 1 - XXXII 8
Aṣṭaka : I 1 - XXXII 8 Tr. of the text based on Mss. P IV 151. IX 161. IX 162 Katalognummer: 193 Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; 18 pp. Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.4. Handschriftennummern:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (214): Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya
Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya Clean but incomplete ed., based on three mss.: P VIII 758, P XII 395, P XXI 1313 (Avacūrī) Katalognummer: 214 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-16 Lokale Notation: Schu:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (169): [Āvaśyaka] Śrītilaka's Comm. zu Āv.2
[Āvaśyaka] Śrītilaka's Comm. zu Āv.2 I. Caityavandanā - Vandanaka - Pratyākhyāna - laghuvṛtti (numerous extracts and concordance with Āvaśy. passages). - II. Śrāvaka -... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (186): [Āvaśyaka] "Skt.-Parallelen zur Āvaśyaka-niryu...
[Āvaśyaka] "Skt.-Parallelen zur Āvaśyaka-niryukti und zum Viśeṣāvaśyaka-bhāṣya" The leaves contain a full text written by Leumann (i.e. neither lists nor extracts from the...