Magnetic frustration effects in cubic HoInCu4
The ternary rare-earth compounds REInCu4 show strong indications of frustration resulting in a very low AF ordering temperature of the rare earth moments. The crystal structure... -
Evolution of magnetic order and correlations in the partially frustrated meta...
CePdAl is a unique intermetallic material, where both long-range magnetic order and frustration show up below TN=2.7K. This results in an exotic state, where only two thirds of... -
Influence of partial magnetic frustration on the magnetic order in CePdAl
The metallic heavy-fermion compound CePdAl might be a model system to investigate the influence of magnetic frustration on quantum criticality. The antiferromagnetic order below... -
Stability of magnetic order in partially frustrated CePdAl under uniaxial pre...
CePdAl is a unique intermetallic material, where both long-range magnetic order and magnetic frustration coexist below the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature of 2.7K. An...