Onderzoek Onderweg in Nederland - ODiN 2019
Het Onderzoek Onderweg in Nederland is een continu dagelijks onderzoek naar het verplaatsingsgedrag van de Nederlanders. Aan de respondenten wordt gevraagd om voor één bepaalde... -
Onderzoek Onderweg in Nederland - ODiN 2018
Het Onderzoek Onderweg in Nederland is een continu dagelijks onderzoek naar het verplaatsingsgedrag van de Nederlanders. Aan de respondenten wordt gevraagd om voor één bepaalde... -
Onderzoek Onderweg in Nederland - ODiN 2020
Het Onderzoek Onderweg in Nederland is een continu dagelijks onderzoek naar het verplaatsingsgedrag van de Nederlanders. Aan de respondenten wordt gevraagd om voor één bepaalde... -
Onderzoek Verplaatsingen in Nederland 2016 - OViN 2016
Het Onderzoek Verplaatsingen in Nederland is een continu dagelijks onderzoek naar het verplaatsingsgedrag van de Nederlanders. Aan de respondenten wordt gevraagd om voor één... -
Road Traffic Safety
Police reported road traffic casualties and Hospital patients of road traffic crashes were linked and filtered to patients with severity MAIS2+.-Some patients were not reported... -
Yu and Ma 2022v2
The United Nations declareds 2021–2030 the ‘Decade of Healthy Ageing ’. Both individuals and society suffer from increasing rates of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of... -
Football match outcomes; FIFA Confederations Cups and World Cup tournaments
Data used for the paper entitled "Home advantage for tournament victory: Empirical evidence from FIFA Confederations and World Cups" Date Submitted: 2022-11-04 -
Peer review procedures - results from a survey among journal editors
The data set contains the responses of a survey among 361 journal editors about their journal's peer review procedures. Based on an inventory peer review procedures listing 12... -
Data of "Aquatic worms (Tubificidae) facilitate productivity of macrophyte Az...
In this study we showed the potential of using ecological principles including interspecific facilitation processes of aquatic plants (Azolla filiculoides) and worms... -
Dataset evaluative study on TYCON game Date Submitted: 2021-03-15 -
Soil C and N storage in intercropping versus single cropping systems
In this project, I explore how intercropping affects soil C and N storage based upon a 7-yr field experiment and unravel the underlying mechanisms through investigating soil... -
Continuous reflectance and fluorescence measurements associated with photosyn...
A unique dataset comprising growing season-long continuous measurements of a corn crop for leaf active fluorescence, canopy SIF, hyperspectral reflectance, and GPP.This dataset... -
Dataset belonging to "Macroplastic concentrations in the water column of the ...
These scripts, csv and excel files belong to the publication: Macroplastic conentrations in the water column of the river Rhine increase with higher discharge". Date: 2022... -
An acid doped ice membrane for selective proton transport
Cation exchange membranes need to have high permselectivity for protons to make these membranes suitable for e.g. energy storage devices. Here, we present the proof of concept... -
Words Algorithm Collection : finding closely related open access books using ...
Open access platforms and retail websites have one thing in common: they are trying to present the most relevant offerings possible to their patrons. Retail websites – such as... -
The Paris compatibility of green hydrogen and carbon capture and utilisation ...
Includes:1) Data underlying Table 6.1 on Paris compatibility of CCU, for the combination of atmospheric and biogenic CO2 with all unique CO2 use processes. For different... -
Patterns of information – clustering books and readers in open access libraries
The question is how open access libraries can offer comparable services to online retailers such as Amazon.com while retaining the readers’ privacy. A possible solution can be... -
Experimental data: Performance of single carbon granules as perspective for l...
The files contain data collected for our publication "Performance of single carbon granules as perspective for larger scale capacitive bioanodes." Authored by Casper Borsje,... -
Yu and Ma 2022
This study used data from publically available databases, the author confirm that all methods were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations. Date... -
Global Phosphorus Recovery from Wastewater for Agricultural Reuse Project: Mo...
Global Phosphorus Recovery from Wastewater for Agricultural Reuse. Files include:- Model script as: python iJupyter notebook (.ipynb) and text file (.txt)- Selection of Input...