Magnetic phase diagram of linarite perpendicular to the chain axis
The natural mineral linarite PbCuSO_4(OH)_2 has been characterized as a frustrated quantum spin chain system, with a nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic coupling J_1~100K along a... -
Phonon and Soft Mode Behaviour in Ferroelectric-Thermoelectrics: A Comparativ...
The search for new thermoelectric (TE) oxides has been driven by the discovery of high figures of merit ZT in complex layered cobaltates such as Na(x)CoO2 or Ca3Co4O9. Relying... -
Step like relief of “geometric frustration” on the distorted pyrochlore Cr-su...
In the system Ni1-xCuxCr2O4 competing Jahn-Teller distortions combined with geometrical frustration give rise to a rich phase diagram as a function of x(Cu) and temperature. Now... -
Study of structural changes in metal-organic frameworks during and after hydr...
The goal of the proposed experiment is to study the local structural changes in metal-organic frameworks (class CAU) during and after hydrogen sorption processes. MOFs are known... -
Commensurate and incommensurate magnetic phases in oxygen-deficient SrFeO3-x
The present proposal on SrFeO3-x is motivated by our recent inelastic neutron scattering measurements, where three incommensurate magnetic phases with propagation vectors k2 =... -
Investigation of the role of Ti and Cu doping on the crystal structure and ma...
In the current proposal we would like to investigate the nature of magnetic ordering and crystal structure of Ti and Cu doped ferrimagnetic spinel MnCo2O4 using the powder... -
Study of magnetic ordering in the inverted spinels Co2TiO4 and Co2SnO4
In the present study we like to investigate the nature of magnetic ordering in Co2TiO4 and Co2SnO4 materials using the powder and single-crystal neutron diffraction technique.... -
Instrument Alignment
Proposal number for instrument time -
High-temperature investigation on structural changes during order-disorder pr...
Monoclinic sanidine is the high-temperature modification of potassium rich alkalifeldspars. The crystal structure consists of a framework of corner-sharing TO4 tetrahedra (T =... -
Determination of the in-field magnetic structure of atacamite
Studies on the magnetic properties of atacamite, Cu2Cl(OH)3, at low temperatures have revealed a behavior which is characteristic for frustrated magnetic systems. The results of... -
Instrument Time
Instrument Time -
Incommensurate magnetic ordering in the geometrically frustrated system Ni1-x...
Only recently, we have investigated in detail the evolution of the structural and magnetic phase transition temperatures of the system Ni1-xCuxCr2O4. Competing Jahn-Teller... -
Neutron diffraction study on the mosaic structure of Cu2(S, Te)
Thermoelectric materials have received considerable attention for the ability of converting heat into electricity via the solid state. Minimizing the lattice thermal... -
Ising quantum criticality in transverse fields in a quantum paramagnet
The gapped quantum paramagnet DTN has been the focus of intense study in recent years in the context of the z=2 quantum critical point (QCP) in applied fields (Bose-Einstein... -
Field-induced phases in skyrmion-lattice candidate compound EuNiGe3
Skyrmions have been found in cubic helimagnets and in ultrathin films with surface induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). In bulk, skyrmionic phases are observed in a... -
Neutron study of the topological flux model of hydrogen ions in water ice
The familiarity of water ice means we often overlook its non-trivial character illustrated, for example, by the many snowflake morphologies resulting from disordered...