Instrument time
The beamtime will be used to calibrate the instrument, test new sample environments. -
Crystal and magnetic structure of Dirac semimetal CuMnAs.
The ternary semimetal CuMnAs is a half-Heusler alloy with antiferromagnetic order [1, 2] and it crystallizes orthorhombically in the space group Pnma (No. 62) Antiferromagnetic... -
Instrument time
The instrument time is used for calibration and maintenance of E9 -
In-situ cation distribution of NiMn2O4
NiMn2O4 and substituted variations are the dominating materials for NTC-thermistors used for temperature sensors and inrush current limiters. Due to higher demands on the... -
Crystal and Magnetic Structure Characterization of Compounds (Ag2XO4, X: W an...
Recently, our group reported, for the first time, the in situ nucleation and growth of Ag NPs on the surface of silver compounds, Ag2WO4 and Ag2MoO4 driven by an accelerated... -
Crystal structure of yttrium hydride oxide and the hydride of LaGa2
Neutron powder diffraction will be used to determine hydrogen (deuterium) positions and occupational parameters in novel metal hydrides (deuterides) at ambient conditions. Zintl... -
Optimisation of thermodynamic condition for reversible hydrogen storage in ic...
The proposed research project aims at determining proper thermodynamic conditions for reversible charging of the icosahedral Ti-Zr-Ni-(Cr,Cu) nano-alloys with... -
Analysis of the wide-angle neutron scattering (WANS) of non-graphitic carbon ...
Non-graphitic carbons (NGCs) represent an important class of materials both, in research in industrial applications. A quantitative description of the sp2-polyaromatic... -
Instrument time
The instrument time is needed for calibration and maintenance of E9 -
Investigation of Pn- and Om-type crystal structure of Na0.67Ni0.33Mn0.67O2 ca...
Due to the low cost and abundance of sodium element layered Na0.67Ni0.33Mn0.67O2 is a very promising class of material for batteries with good electrochemical properties... -
Crystal structures of ionic hydride fluorides and mixed valent ytterbium hydr...
Neutron powder diffraction will be used to determine hydrogen positions in deuteride fluorides and mixed valent ytterbium deuterides. Mixed deuteride fluorides with distorted... -
Crystal and magnetic structure of Y3Cu9(OH)19Cl8, a distorted kagome antiferr...
We propose to study the crystal and magnetic structure of Y3Cu9(OH)19Cl8, a material which has been reported as distorted kagome antiferromagnet with a TN = 2.2 K. Recently, an... -
The size effect in the nanocomposites based on NaNO2 embedded into the SBA ma...
The principal aim of the experiment is to study of temperature evolution of the crystal struture of NaNO2 embedded into the nanoporous matrices. The results of experiment are... -
Crystal Structure and Defects in Li-doped Mg2Si-based Thermoelectrics
We propose to study the room temperature crystal structure of Li-doped Mg2Si-based solid solutions, which represent one of the most promising material classes for... -
Summer school on Neutron scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage Materials
Here we suggest to organize and conduct the international summer school of “Neutron scattering applications to hydrogen storage materials”. The school has been organized in... -
Charge-Orbital Ordering and Low-dimensional Magnetism in the Anionic Mixed Va...
Alkali sesquioxides A4O6 (A = Cs, Rb) are anionic mixed valence compounds with formally two open-shell paramagnetic O2- anions and one closed-shell diamagnetic (O2)2- anion per... -
Structure and magnetic phase transitions in Bi1-xRexFeO3 multiferroics
Precise structural data are necessary to specify the peculiarities observed in the vicinity of the structural transitions detected in the Bi1-xRExFeO3 compounds. The proposed... -
Step like relief of “geometric frustration” on the distorted pyrochlore Cr-su...
In the system Ni1-xCuxCr2O4 competing Jahn-Teller distortions combined with geometrical frustration give rise to a rich phase diagram as a function of x(Cu) and temperature. Now... -
Structural Investigation of the Lone-Pair Electron Material Bismuth Palladate
Materials with stereochemically active lone pair electrons have recently attracted interest as potential thermoelectric materials. This is mainly due to their anomalously low... -
Crystal structures of Zintl phase hydrides and silicate hydride by neutron po...
Neutron powder diffraction will be used to determine hydrogen/ deuteridum position in Zintl phase deuterides (LaGaDx, YGaDx and CaSiDx) and silicate hydrides (LiSrSiO4H,...