Phase transitions in KNO3 embedded into the pores of Al2O3 nanoporous matrices.
The stydy of temperature evolution of crystal structure of nanocomposite based on ferroelectric KNO3 embedded into the pores of Al2O3 nanoporous matrice are proposed to obtain... -
Phase diagram of potassium nitrate nanoparticles embedded into porous glasses
The principle goal of proposed experiment is to determine the role of size effect and thermal prehistory of sample preparation on stability of ferroelectric phase in potassium... -
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Bi1-xNdxFe1-yCoyO3 (BNFC) compositions
The Bi1-xNdxFe1-yCoyO3 (BNFC) compositions emerge as materials with very rich and not completely understood physical behavior. We have recently identified the existence of two... -
Tracing disorder in ZnGeN2
We propose to study the defect behaviour of ZnGeN2 as a representative material for the emerging class of Zn-IV-N2 solar absorber materials. As earth-abundant alternatives to... -
Determination of oxygen sites in the crystal structure of A-site deficient Pr...
The Ruddlesden-Popper type Pr2-xNiO4±delta is one of the most potential membrane materials for the design of intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathodes and oxygen... -
Crystal Structure and Defects in Li-doped Mg2Si-based Thermoelectrics
We propose to study the room temperature crystal structure of Li-doped Mg2Si-based solid solutions, which represent one of the most promising material classes for... -
Cation partitioning in pyrrhotite-type compounds Fe7-yMyX8 (X = S, Se)
High resolution neutron powder diffraction measurements at room temperature are planned to be performed in order to reveal the dependence of the cation partitioning between... -
Crystal structure and Cu-Zn disorder in (Ag1-xCux)2ZnSnSe4.
Ag2ZnSnSe4 and Cu2ZnSnSe4 are quaternary semiconductors belonging to the adamantine compound family, contain only abundant elements, which makes these materials promising... -
Determination of oxygen sites in the crystal lattice of A-site deficient Pr2N...
Pr2NiO4+d exhibits extremely high oxygen diffusivity. The crystal structure of Pr2NiO4+d consists of PrNiO3 perovskite and PrO rock salt units. The exceptional high oxygen...