Field-induced BEC Quantum Critical Point and Dimensional Reduction in the Qua...
For a decade field-tuned quantum criticality in the spin-dimer compound BaCuSi2O6 has been of great interest due to an unconventional dimensional crossover at its quantum... -
High magnetic field neutron scattering study on the quantum sawtooth chain ma...
We propose to carry out an elastic neutron scattering experiment at the High Magnetic Field Facility for Neutron Scattering of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin on the natural... -
Magnetic phase diagram of strongly magnetoelectric LiCoPO4
We propose to perform a neutron diffraction experiment at HFM/EXED to determine the propagation vector above 22.4T and map out the phase diagram up to 26T of magnetoelectric... -
Field-induced magnetic structure in 3-sublattice phase of CuFeO2 above 21 T
In this proposal, we would like to suggest neutron diffraction experiment on an archetypical triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuFeO2 single crystal in fields up to 23T. This... -
Determination of the order parameter responsible for Fermi surface reconstruc...
The discovery of quantum oscillations in highly ordered ortho-II phase YBa2Cu3O6+x (YBCO) crystals indicates the existence of a small pocket-like Fermi surface in the normal... -
Observation of a metamagnetic critical end point in the multiferroic BiMn2O5
Our aim in this proposal is to investigate and map the metamagnetic critical end point in the frustrated multiferroic BiMn2O5, which exhibits a complex magnetic interactions... -
High field study of the Vortex Lattice structure in YBa2Cu3O7
SANS measurements of the vortex lattice allow information such as the penetration depth, coherence length, and the superconducting gap structure of a superconductor to be... -
High field study of the vortex lattice structure in (Ba0.5K0.5)Fe2As2
SANS measurements of the vortex lattice allow information such as the penetration depth, coherence length, and the superconducting gap structure of a superconductor to be... -
Inelastic studies of pure and Rh-doped URu2Si2
In this proposal we suggest to study the field dependence of two inelastic signals observed in the pure URu2Si2 at the antiferromagnetic zone center Q0 = (1 0 0) and at... -
Field-induced phases in MnWO4.
We suggest to study the field-induced magnetic phases in MnWO4 single crystal in fields along the easy magnetization direction (approximately along the [2 0 1]). This system... -
Is the field-induced magnetic structure in U2Pd2In indeed noncollinear (II) ?
In this continuation proposal we suggest to study the metamagnetic transition (MT) in U2Pd2In single crystal in fields along the a axis. This system shows MT between 25 and 29... -
Investigation of the high-field low-temperature magnetic phases in quasi-1D I...
BaCo2V2O8 is a good realization of the spin-1/2 quasi-1D Ising-like antiferromagnet (AF). At zero field, a Néel magnetic order occurs below 5.4 K. Applying a magnetic field... -
Spin-nematic phase in S=1/2 frustrated zigzag chain compound beta-TeVO4
Nematic phases, despite being unknown to the general population, are found in many natural systems. However, if quantum magnets can also achieve such an order is yet unclear.... -
High field magnetic phase study on UPt2Si2
UPt2Si2 has been long considered as a rare example of uranium intermetallic compound with strongly localized f-electrons which order antiferromagnetically below TN~35K. Recent...