OpenLISEM Hazard 2.0 alpha
The OpenLISEM Hazard 2.0 alpha version. A open-source multi-hazard modelling tool with a semi-structured mass movement model. Date Submitted: 2020-06-02 -
search engine optimisation
- architecture d'origine- architecture optimisée Date Submitted: 2023-07-26 -
Search Engine Optimisation V2
Data pour les tests de performances et optimisationDocument sur l'architectureCode d'indexation python Date Submitted: 2023-08-01 -
Seasonal coronavirus infections trigger NLRP3 inflammasome activation in macr...
All original and processed data for the published study: Seasonal coronavirus infections trigger NLRP3 inflammasome activation in macrophages but is therapeutically targetable.... -
De betekenis van sociale robots voor thuiswonende mensen met dementie: zin en...
Sociale robots zijn een nieuwe ontwikkeling in de zorg voor mensen met dementie. In dit project hebben we onderzoek gedaan naar de sociale robot Tessa van het Nederlandse... -
PROFILES registry: Quality of life colon/rectal cancer 2010
The PROFILES registry offers scientific data in the area of medical psychology and more specific on quality of life of cancer survivors. The PROFILES registry is open to... -
Verification of the implementation conditions of best practices
The project was part of WP 9. Validated Optimal Models of Children’s Prevention-Orientated Primary Health Care of the Horizon 2020 MOCHA project Date Submitted: 2021-05-21... -
Laser Writing of Block-Copolymer Images into Mesopores UsingSBDC-Initiated Vi...
PowerPoint File of the public data of the paper, including responsive Origin Data. (In addition, there is a zip-archive including the raw data for the figures.) -
Printing of In Situ Functionalized Mesoporous Silica with Digital Light Proce...
PowerPoint File of the public data of the paper, including responsive Origin Data. (In addition, there is a zip-archive including the raw data for the figures.) -
3D Printing of Ordered Mesoporous Silica Using Light-Induced Sol-Gel Chemistr...
PowerPoint File of the public data of the paper, including responsive Origin Data. (In addition, there is a zip-archive including the raw data for the figures.) -
Replication Data for: Scoping Review learning practically trained caregivers,...
Practically trained (student) caregivers make up the majority of care staff in nursing homes (NHs). To keep up with the fast-changing healthcare environment and ensure a high... -
Continental Land Use Change scenarios and stylized fuel management scenarios
Historic baseline data was provided via the HILDA+ dataset, which combines several open data streams to estimate land use change (LUC). The future land use scenarios were... -
The Salmonella virulence protein PagN contributes to the advent of a hyper-re...
The data accessible here are all the raw data resulting from the exploration of the role of the PagN protein in the phenomenon of cytosolic hyper replication of Salmonella in an... -
Unstructured Finite-Volume Arbitrary Lagrangian / Eulerian Interface Tracking...
Presentation at the APS 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD23) and Presentation at the GAMM 94th Annual Meeting of the International Association of... -
Hoe kan een digitale tool ontwikkeld worden om het bereik van het beweegonderzoek te vergroten onder de verschillende doelgroepen in de wijk Stratum, zodat de wijkbewoners meer... -
Données de réplication pour : Trait-independent habitat associations explain ...
On oceanic islands, ecosystem processes hold on a limited number of species. However, their patterns of coexistence and the resulting variations of assemblage composition along... -
FSOV - DéBAT - Diversité d’un panel de pré-breeding de Blé tendre
Plink of PAVs identified based on pan-transcriptomic analysis of 450 wheat accessions. -
Données de réplication pour : Noordine et al paper
raw data for Noordine et al paper -
Ancestral reconstruction of the origin of M. incognita effectors in the Meloi...
Based on the mapping of non-redundant known M. incognita subventral (SvG) and dorsal (DG) gland effectors on the genomes of five Meloidogyne species ancestral numbers were...