Continental Land Use Change scenarios and stylized fuel management scenarios


Historic baseline data was provided via the HILDA+ dataset, which combines several open data streams to estimate land use change (LUC). The future land use scenarios were simulated using CLUMondo, a spatially explicit and dynamic land system change model. We adopted Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) 1 (“Sustainability”) and SSP3 (“Regional rivalry”) to explore the effects on land use of divergent developmental paths for Europe. While the time series developed is based on a 1-km resolution, we made a conversion in aggregating the data to a 9-km resolution and an aggregated land cover class legend to match that used natively in the DGVMs. (2022-09-16)

Metadata Access
Creator Neidermeier, Alexandra
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Neidermeier, Alexandra
Publication Year 2022
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Neidermeier, Alexandra (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Resource Type land use; Dataset
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; text/x-fixed-field; application/prj; text/csv; image/tiff; text/xml; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation; type/x-r-syntax; text/plain
Size 130860; 1608308; 380; 1861063; 1937184; 1860079; 1938810; 1871683; 1813351; 1651941; 1836449; 1945292; 1834313; 1935325; 1842661; 1816402; 1621501; 1834454; 1952356; 1805567; 1926861; 1820000; 1825860; 1600347; 1854535; 1968264; 1816589; 1917649; 1849168; 1808782; 1540184; 1823605; 1942416; 1811746; 1915630; 1821759; 1757982; 1513121; 1815658; 1919173; 1763293; 1895798; 1824729; 1702436; 1484936; 1781978; 1909833; 1726306; 1874611; 1767231; 1650519; 1505521; 1770850; 1924849; 1763104; 1899984; 1777766; 1690393; 575; 14189337; 1108; 71051; 386633; 1080767; 424; 438; 1644971; 1725730; 1651041; 1646003; 1418831; 1196565; 1080916; 1645720; 1737919; 1659105; 1627742; 1447566; 1079487; 1646713; 1759452; 1660978; 1620927; 1482463; 1082139; 1692334; 1826997; 1671426; 1644256; 1546256; 1075600; 1710502; 1871851; 1670130; 1711495; 1575704; 1074152; 1701142; 1879965; 1662481; 1792867; 1593794; 1077277; 433; 1673947; 1869053; 1617291; 1774871; 1599211; 5030; 195; 3862368; 1578; 702960; 5623; 5869
Version 1.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences