Ergänzungsmaterial zu: L’usage des ressources animales au Néolithique en Mitt...
Das Mittelelbe-Saale-Gebiet war zwischen 4200 und 2800 v. Chr. von verschiedenen frühbäuerlichen Kulturen besiedelt. Um die kulturelle Vielfalt und die Entwicklung der... -
The Binary Conditional Contribution Mechanism for public good provision in dy...
We present a new and simple mechanism for repeated public good environments. In the Binary Conditional Contribution Mechanism (BCCM), every agent's message has the form, “I am... -
Premium auctions and risk preferences: An experimental study [Dataset]
In premium auctions, the highest losing bidder receives a reward from the seller. This paper studies the private value English premium auction (EPA) for different risk attitudes... -
Copy Trading [Dataset]
Copy trading allows traders in social networks to receive information on the success of other agents in financial markets and to directly copy their trades. Internet platforms... -
Point Beauty Contest: Measuring the Distribution of Focal Points on the Indiv...
We propose the Point Beauty Contest, a mechanism to identify the distribution of focal points on the individual level. By contrast to conventional coordination, subjects... -
Performance of Covid-19 antigen rapid diagnostic tests for self-testing compa...
Objectives Self-testing is an effective tool to bridge the testing gap for a number of infectious diseas-es; however, its performance using SARS-CoV-2 antigen-detection rapid... -
The French Venus (Catalogue Vol. 2.1)
The topical catalogue 'The French Venus'in the series 'The Iconography of Venus from the Middle Ages to Modern Times' lists 2997 artworks (sculptures, reliefs, paintings,... -
Refining and validating change requests from a crowd to derive requirements [...
[Context/Motivation] Integrating user feedback into software development enhances system acceptance, decreases the likelihood of project failure and strengthens customer... -
The contribution of drug import to the cost of tuberculosis treatment: a cost...
Tuberculosis (TB) programs depend on a continuous supply of large amounts of high-quality TB drugs. When TB programs procure TB drugs from international suppliers, such as the... -
Artworks of non-European artists
Thematic Research Collection of 1343 artworks (sculptures, reliefs, paintings, frescoes, drawings, prints and illustrations) by non-European artists. ArtWorks-The Art Organizer,... -
Heidelberg Bibliography of Translations of Nonfictional Texts [data]
This project, funded by the German Research Foundation, compiles an online bibliography of German translations of nonfictional texts published between 1450 and 1850. It includes... -
The costs of creatinine testing in the context of a HIV pre-exposure prophyla...
HIV treatment and prevention as well as other chronic disease care can require regular kidney function assessment based on a creatinine test. To assess the costs of creatinine... -
NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology [Research Data]
This data set contains all annotated topic word tables from the work "NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology", as well as all pre-processed and tf-idf-vectorized text... -
Heidelberg Cyber Conflict Dataset (HD-CY.CON)
The Heidelberg Cyber Conflict Dataset (HD-CY.CON) has been developed at the Institute for Political Science, Heidelberg University, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Sebastian... -
Transcriptional pathways of terminal differentiation in high- and low-density...
Background - Trauma and infection induce emergency granulopoiesis. Counts of immature granulocytes and transcriptional pathways of terminal granulocytic differentiation in blood... -
Human resource needs and costs for nurse-led HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis pro...
Background: The global expansion of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) includes health systems that face a shortage of skilled health care workers (HCWs). We estimated the... -
Laryngeal mask vs. laryngeal tube trial in pediatric patients (LaMaTuPe): a s...
Background Children have poor hypoxia tolerance; hence, airway management is crucial. While endotracheal intubation is the gold standard, this requires extensive experience.... -
Pflanzenreste vom Viesenhäuser Hof, Stadtteil Mühlhausen, Stuttgart [Suppleme...
Ergänzungsmaterial zu Rösch, M. (2014). Pflanzenreste vom Viesenhäuser Hof, Stadtteil Mühlhausen, Stuttgart. Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg, 34(1), 143-176. Liste der... -
Making the Anscombe-Aumann approach to ambiguity suitable for descriptive app...
The Anscombe-Aumann (AA) model, originally introduced to give a normative basis to expected utility, is nowadays mostly used for another purpose: to analyze deviations from... -
Astronomische Grundlagen für den Kalender 2027 [Datensatz]
Die Astronomischen Grundlagen für den Kalender werden vom Astronomischen Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg berechnet und herausgegeben. Sie haben den Zweck, den Kalenderverlagen...