Countercyclical Risk Aversion: Beyond Financial Professionals [Online Appendi...
We test if Cohn et al.’s (2015) experimental results on countercyclical risk aversion exhibited by financial professionals generalize to a standard student sample. In our... -
Imitation of Peers in Children and Adults [Dataset]
Imitation of the successful choices of others is a simple and superficially attractive learning rule. It has been shown to be an important driving force for the strategic... -
Katalog der „Altfundstellen“ der Neumark (in der ehemaligen Provinz Brandenbu...
Das Gebiet der ehemaligen Neumark ist seit über 100 Jahren als archäologisch fundreiche Region bekannt. Zahlreiche, aber auch außergewöhnliche Funde, die immer wieder gemacht... -
Hells Bells project - results of sampling campaign in February 2020
This data set compiles the results of water chemical analyses as well as bulk chemical analyses of the particles suspended in the water columns of cenotes (sinkholes) obtained... -
Typisierung der Handexemplare der Galerie Hugo Helbing und der Protokollkatal...
Die Tabelle enthält alle im Rahmen des DFG-Gemeinschaftsprojekts Unikales Quellenmaterial zum deutschen Kunsthandel: Digitalisierung und Erschließung der Handexemplare der... -
14C-based ΔffCO2 estimates for Heidelberg and OPE and input data for the Rhin...
These data files show the Δ14CO2, CO2 and CO measurements as well as the 14C-based ΔffCO2 estimates of the flask samples collected in Heidelberg (HEI, 2019-2020) and at the ICOS... -
Datensatz zum Verbundprojekt GeoSpeicher.bw: Geothermische Speicherung in Bad...
Datensatz zu Abschlussbericht des Verbundprojekts GeoSpeicher.bw: Geothermische Speicherung in Baden-Württemberg Teilprojekt Heidelberg: Einfluss der Einspeicherung von Wärme im... -
The Abbott PanBio WHO emergency use listed, rapid, antigen-detecting point-of...
This repository includes data from a prospective, multi-centre diagnostic accuracy study. The study was conducted at two sites in Germany, Heidelberg and Berlin. Following... -
Catalogue of Costume Books, Albums, and Print Series
This catalogue lists European costume books, albums or print series produced in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. As well as providing bibliographical data, the catalogue... -
Ergänzungsmaterial zu: Eine Siedlungskammer der Ältesten Linearbandkeramik im...
Das Nördlinger Ries weist bereits am Beginn der Jungsteinzeit um 5400 v.Chr. mit 16 nachgewiesenen Fundplätzen eine dichte Besiedlung auf. Zudem liegt dort mit dem Fundplatz... -
Politische Maßnahmen zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft und dere...
This dataset presents a selected information from the larger AgroBioDiv dataset produced for the purpose of publication. -
Protecting democracy from abroad [Data]
This dataset and analysis files accompany the paper "Protecting democracy from abroad: Democracy aid against attempts to circumvent presidential term limits" (Democratization,... -
The German, Swiss and Central-European Venus (Catalogue Vol. 4.1)
Topical catalogue of 3198 sculptures, reliefs, paintings, frescoes, drawings, prints and illustrations of 1506 identified artists of Germany, Switzerland and Central-Europe,... -
Early Modern Mining in Southwest China and Highland Southeast Asia [data]
Material and analyses on sites of historic silver mining and research papers of the DFG research projects Mining and metallurgy in Southwest China, 14th to 19th centuries” and... -
Primary Somatosensory Cortex Bidirectionally Modulates Sensory Gain and Nocic...
This dataset contains electrophysiological and behavioral data and codes underlying the figures in Ziegler, K., Folkard, R., Gonzalez, A.J. et al. Primary somatosensory cortex... -
Evaluation of the accuracy, exclusivity, limit-of-detection and ease-of-use o...
This repository includes data from a prospective, multi-centre diagnostic accuracy study. The study was conducted at two sites in Germany, Heidelberg and Berlin. Following... -
Diagnostic performance of host protein signatures as a triage test for active...
The current four symptom screen recommended by the WHO is widely used as screen to initiate diagnostic testing for active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), yet the performance is... -
4D Printing of Light Activated Shape Memory Polymers with Organic Dyes [data]
Light based 3D printing technologies, such as digital light processing (DLP), allow for the additive manufacturing of complex 3D objects at fast speeds and with high resolution.... -
Heidelberg integrated samples 2018-2020 and pseudo power plant experiment res...
These data files show the measurement and model ffCO2 results (surface source influence vs. volume source influence approach) for the two-week integrated afternoon and nighttime...