SAFE: a self-support eHealth intervention to support women exposed to intimat...
This dataset is from the SAFE study, focusing on developing and evaluating an eHealth intervention for women in the Netherlands who experience intimate partner violence and... -
Evaluatie effectiviteit oeverbescherming in de Zweth
De golfslag veroorzaak door recreatievaart beïnvloedt de oeverzone van een groot aantal wateren van het Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland. Om deze invloed te mitigeren is in 2020... -
Datasets and scripts for "Increased but not pristine soil organic carbon stoc...
Datasets and scripts supporting the paper "Increased but not pristine soil organic carbon stocks in restored ecosystems", DOI : 10.1038/s41467-025-55980-1. The dataset and... -
Summer CH4 ebullition strongly determines year-round greenhouse gas emissions...
Recent studies indicate that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural drainage ditches can be significant on a per-unit area basis, but spatiotemporal investigations are... -
Data underlying the publication "Tolerance to insect herbivory increases with...
The dataset contains the data used for the above mentioned publication. The readme file will explain how the data are collected and organized. -
Datasets and codes for research paper "Modelling the Impact of Ecosystem Frag...
The datasets and codes included in this DANS Data Station support the study "Modelling the Impact of Ecosystem Fragmentation on Ecosystem Services in the Degraded Ethiopian... -
Genomic prediction in insects: a case study on wing morphology traits in the ...
Dataset for genomic prediction of wing morphology parameters in the parasioid Nasonia vitripennis. Abstract Background: Biological control is a sustainable strategy to combat... -
fMRI responses during perceptual decision-making at 3 and 7 Tesla in human co...
Authors: Colizoli, O., de Gee, J. W., van der Zwaag, W. & Donner, T. H.Abstract: While functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at ultra-high field (7 Tesla) promises a... -
Mapping tick dynamics and tick bite risk using data-driven approaches and vol...
This deposit contains the materials used during the development of this PhD thesis. During this research, we applied machine learning methods to obtain new insights about tick... -
WikiPathways is a continuously updated, and machine readable database of biological pathways. These pathways describe which genes, protein, and metabolites interact with each... -
Effect of light quality on movement of Pterostichus melanarius (Coleoptera: C...
The aim of this project was to study the effect of red light on night time behaviour of Pterostichus melanarius (Coleoptera: Carabidae). An experiment was conducted in... -
Biomarker Research in ADHD: the Impact of Nutrition (BRAIN) – functional MRI ...
The Biomarker Research in ADHD: the Impact of Nutrition (BRAIN) study is an open-label trial during which children with ADHD followed a 5-week few-foods diet (FFD). The ADHD... -
Data Repository: Configuration TREYESCAN
In the current project we describe the configuration of the TREYESCAN eye tracking test for the measurement of compensatory eye movements, which uses an open-source toolkit for... -
Morphological diversity in the foraminiferal genus Marginopora
Benthic foraminifera, and certainly symbiont-bearing (large) benthic foraminifera are generally considered to have large geographic ranges in combination with significant... -
Photographs of HMEC-1 spheroids. Part of article "Computational Screening of ...
This data set contains microscopic photographs of in vitro cultures of Human Microvascular Endothelial Cells (HMEC-1) spheroids used to test role of Apelin and its receptor in... -
Toward co-design of an AI solution for detection of diarrheal pathogens in dr...
Water images Date Submitted: 2022-06-15 -
Dutch forest reserves database and network
The Dutch forest reserves network encompasses about 60 forest reserves representing all major forest types in the Netherlands. The reserves were designated between 1983 and... -
Activity Painter Data
Reconstructed dcm files of the so called Activity Painter phantom and the controlling program code. The main objective of the paper is to present a novel method which can... -
Data from: Matching field-based ranges in brackish water gradients with exper...
The dataset contains the data, collected in the North Sea canal, used for the above mentioned publication of Mytilopsis leucophaeata. A readme file will give explanation of the... -
REIS: Reuma En Ik: Selfmanagement
The dataset contains the results of a survey among people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders (RMDs) in the Netherlands. The survey focused on self-management...