Dutch forest reserves database and network


The Dutch forest reserves network encompasses about 60 forest reserves representing all major forest types in the Netherlands. The reserves were designated between 1983 and 2000. The present Access-database presents all measurements (mostly between 1982 and 2005) on trees and regeneration in circular sample plots throughout the reserves and in a one ha rectangular core area in each reserve. The data set also includes map data at the reserve level (such as reserve boundaries, samples plots and core areas) and of GIS files derived from tree measurements in the core area.

Currently, the files are only accessible in ArcGIS shapefiles. In may 2019 a conversion of MapInfo (mif/mid) will be added to the dataset.

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-2bd-kskz
Metadata Access https://lifesciences.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-2bd-kskz
Creator R.J. Bijlsma; A.P.P.M. Clerkx
Publisher DANS Data Station Life Sciences
Contributor Data Librarian; Wageningen University & Research
Publication Year 2019
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess; https://doi.org/10.17026/fp39-0x58
OpenAccess false
Contact Data Librarian (Wageningen UR)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/x-fixed-field; application/octet-stream; application/dbf; application/sbn; application/sbx; application/shp; application/shx; application/zip; text/plain; application/prj; text/csv; application/pdf; image/tiff
Size 543993; 569085; 552687; 572571; 568601; 569975; 574625; 557572; 590217; 535352; 528638; 559900; 574490; 563460; 604855; 618322; 471796; 471641; 541987; 542132; 593859; 550788; 597353; 302022; 620211; 604077; 525664; 596026; 610062; 582348; 605401; 597126; 580747; 480453; 476960; 552432; 577889; 565563; 568368; 560201; 546093; 580101; 567510; 602126; 611105; 523205; 594140; 568523; 591573; 567797; 558971; 762918; 581075; 509929; 554890; 577001; 573877; 496762; 499970; 478099; 511326; 483319; 486616; 497278; 581372; 647341; 555048; 541366; 515602; 594985; 480028; 578221; 569776; 597331; 5; 19529; 12812; 1628; 739612; 9244; 18135; 11804; 1324; 687628; 8588; 6456; 4100; 604; 242324; 3092; 8037; 4852; 612; 302716; 3836; 6292; 972; 348724; 4404; 11114; 7148; 948; 420004; 5284; 13239; 8244; 1044; 501004; 6284; 11080; 7244; 1060; 418708; 5268; 9771; 6532; 964; 368812; 4652; 10485; 6748; 876; 395644; 4988; 9261; 6132; 820; 349372; 4412; 10026; 6580; 908; 378532; 4772; 9329; 6252; 351964; 4444; 7799; 4740; 293644; 3724; 7408; 4556; 278740; 3540; 12134; 7524; 852; 458756; 5764; 8853; 6164; 1028; 333820; 4220; 7788; 1108; 458884; 9193; 6148; 868; 346780; 4380; 13579; 8404; 513964; 6444; 9431; 6324; 916; 355852; 4492; 7850; 4764; 295588; 3748; 5300; 3516; 564; 198388; 2548; 6082; 3932; 228196; 2916; 11488; 7460; 1084; 434260; 5460; 8785; 5900; 812; 331228; 4188; 11539; 7452; 1052; 436204; 5484; 23456; 14732; 1700; 890420; 11092; 13766; 8444; 996; 521028; 6167; 3956; 596; 231436; 2956; 11624; 7476; 439444; 5524; 12338; 7804; 466660; 5860; 17319; 10204; 656524; 8204; 9499; 6468; 358444; 4524; 10145; 6620; 892; 383068; 4828; 8751; 329932; 4172; 5266; 3444; 508; 197092; 2532; 6420; 1012; 6643; 4148; 580; 249580; 3180; 5028; 3340; 532; 188020; 2420; 16112; 9668; 1116; 610516; 7636; 16775; 9988; 1124; 635788; 7948; 11556; 7156; 748; 435668; 5492; 6371; 3828; 372; 239212; 3052; 14412; 8740; 1036; 545716; 6836; 7833; 4748; 294940; 3740; 13953; 528220; 15959; 9332; 604556; 7564; 14905; 9052; 1068; 564140; 7068; 9312; 6172; 351316; 4436; 7119; 267724; 3404; 12508; 7916; 473140; 5940; 11029; 7204; 416764; 5244; 8445; 318268; 4028; 4340; 556; 265780; 3380; 5980; 3772; 500; 224308; 2868; 6150; 3924; 572; 230788; 2948; 19852; 12756; 1420; 753076; 9396; 13426; 8340; 507876; 6372; 12389; 7828; 468604; 5884; 10570; 6868; 940; 399268; 7663; 588; 288460; 3660; 15670; 9436; 1092; 593668; 7428; 5044; 8615; 5124; 324748; 4108; 7391; 4500; 278092; 3532; 10213; 6548; 804; 385660; 4860; 6626; 4164; 248932; 3172; 9023; 6084; 884; 340300; 4300; 5861; 3812; 219772; 2812; 13715; 8516; 519148; 6508; 11913; 7644; 450460; 5660; 19002; 12028; 1332; 720676; 8996; 4773; 3244; 540; 178300; 2300; 5113; 516; 191260; 2460; 3447; 2092; 308; 17256; 1676; 1543; 212; 7580; 780; 12457; 7780; 64004; 5916; 761; 484; 156; 3352; 412; 11811; 7500; 60552; 5612; 5946; 3788; 30264; 2852; 3804; 2332; 340; 19284; 1844; 2988; 1916; 324; 14988; 1460; 3770; 2252; 348; 18784; 1828; 3175; 1980; 15776; 1548; 5317; 3372; 26468; 2556; 3668; 2228; 18472; 1780; 2869; 1796; 14084; 1404; 1118; 204; 5380; 1866; 1156; 220; 9180; 932; 3090; 1972; 15552; 1508; 1237; 796; 172; 5852; 636; 778; 3476; 420; 1849; 188; 10500; 924; 1475; 988; 228; 7192; 200; 132; 116; 448; 148; 982; 620; 4676; 829; 524; 3776; 444; 795; 3708; 428; 625; 468; 164; 3324; 196; 8696; 931; 492; 438; 316; 1860; 260; 3884; 506; 332; 124; 2544; 292; 642; 452; 2880; 356; 166; 180; 1135; 5360; 183; 140; 3566; 2140; 17728; 1732; 2716; 1812; 13616; 2104; 1284; 12320; 15466; 8916; 78284; 7332; 3044; 460; 23760; 8258; 4788; 41728; 3940; 8020; 1271; 836; 6136; 652; 1679; 1076; 8284; 844; 300; 17436; 1067; 5116; 336; 244; 1260; 8581; 4884; 43400; 4092; 421; 1772; 252; 1883; 1180; 9340; 1390; 6788; 708; 3974; 2380; 20164; 1924; 4195; 2516; 21308; 2028; 6864; 4212; 35016; 3284; 6915; 4252; 35388; 3308; 3685; 2268; 18668; 1788; 2274; 1556; 11328; 4229; 2500; 21448; 2044; 1152; 5412; 676; 476; 4858; 3164; 24524; 2340; 2342; 1580; 11572; 6065; 3892; 30988; 2908; 2597; 1692; 284; 13036; 1276; 2540; 21484; 3617; 2220; 18316; 1756; 2427; 1684; 12156; 1196; 2172; 5538; 3620; 28188; 2660; 3636; 1900; 1164; 9356; 2393; 1612; 11908; 4467; 3028; 22680; 2156; 6690; 1820; 4692; 1412; 7810; 2052; 268; 5476; 1636; 5290; 1516; 236; 3712; 1132; 3050; 2144; 684; 10290; 2996; 7212; 2132; 10450; 3004; 436; 7324; 2164; 11008; 2276; 6316; 1876; 15222; 3388; 8724; 2564; 17868; 10236; 10469; 6008; 10616; 6092; 2021; 1808; 3330; 740; 4099; 2368; 3370; 16888; 9676; 2836; 9832; 5644; 9979; 5728; 1708; 29824; 6604; 17068; 4948; 31850; 22304; 10567; 2212; 6064; 1804; 43495; 24880; 7180; 40310; 828; 23060; 6660; 4687; 2704; 1747; 1024; 364; 13507; 3108; 7744; 2284; 21298; 4396; 12196; 3556; 32911; 788; 18832; 5452; 53344; 12212; 1484; 30508; 8788; 14830; 8500; 4932; 2844; 3970; 2788; 956; 2396; 756; 25855; 5988; 772; 14800; 2727; 628; 1584; 2580; 1500; 3070; 25904; 692; 14828; 4308; 2286; 15516; 3468; 8892; 2612; 15418; 3428; 8836; 2596; 7627; 1644; 4384; 1110; 660; 43740; 8908; 25020; 7220; 1970; 1388; 10959; 6288; 1868; 8264; 1428; 7921; 1764; 4552; 1372; 914; 276; 548; 4197; 2424; 764; 3952; 724; 9734; 2068; 5588; 1668; 2776; 4491; 2592; 2250; 8166; 14762; 4724; 13316; 3876; 7725; 4440; 1340; 4873; 1600; 4589; 2648; 7235; 4160; 15565; 3452; 8920; 2620; 8803; 1908; 5056; 2384; 13997; 3220; 8024; 2364; 7529; 1740; 4328; 1308; 3413; 1976; 13948; 3148; 388; 7996; 2356; 29570; 7708; 20708; 21970; 6076; 15388; 4468; 6516; 5868; 1748; 9489; 2020; 5448; 1013683; 30158848; 3286; 9; 7302; 189768; 644; 758; 60378; 6260; 1332398; 70868; 980; 216960; 62060; 679288; 446; 2437144; 11004; 45850; 1572; 32104; 42570; 12068; 1540; 29808; 18456; 3972; 10572; 23013; 13176; 26492; 15164; 31882; 6972; 18244; 38007; 8084; 21744; 31784; 6924; 18188; 28011; 6356; 16032; 30069; 6692; 17208; 26541; 6108; 15192; 28746; 6428; 16452; 26737; 6100; 15304; 22327; 4604; 12784; 21200; 4428; 12140; 34822; 19924; 20730; 5924; 14520; 28450; 26345; 5996; 700; 15080; 27031; 15472; 22474; 4636; 12868; 15124; 8668; 17378; 9956; 26930; 7236; 860; 18860; 25169; 14408; 33107; 7132; 732; 18944; 67456; 14604; 38572; 39526; 8252; 22612; 17623; 10096; 21148; 7276; 19084; 35410; 7620; 20260; 49767; 10004; 28464; 27227; 15584; 29089; 6556; 16648; 25071; 5812; 14352; 15026; 3364; 8612; 18995; 4044; 10880; 14340; 8220; 46288; 9404; 26476; 48199; 9748; 27568; 33156; 7196; 18972; 18211; 3868; 10432; 41388; 8508; 23676; 22425; 4644; 12840; 40065; 8316; 22920; 45847; 9196; 716; 26224; 42809; 8796; 24488; 26688; 15276; 20367; 4268; 11664; 35900; 7652; 20540; 31637; 7012; 18104; 24189; 4908; 13848; 16530; 4204; 11580; 13970; 3700; 9788; 17574; 3796; 10068; 57068; 12972; 32636; 31490; 8076; 22052; 35557; 7572; 20344; 30314; 6724; 17348; 21935; 12560; 45014; 25748; 4844; 24679; 4956; 14128; 21151; 4372; 12112; 29285; 6596; 16760; 18946; 10852; 16741; 9592; 39379; 22528; 34185; 7340; 19560; 54618; 12548; 31236; 8655; 7800; 14585; 3276; 8360; 10475566; 1049803; 3023; 3153; 14012; 9800749; 624204; 5279; 2040584; 3100; 3687; 1940805; 938545; 1135660; 998989; 1109692; 1010743; 1084587; 1145963; 943086; 1100666; 1192567; 1192579; 966040; 1093834; 934698; 1142712; 1219920; 1104261; 1174916; 1227943; 824805; 1088778; 809000; 1069308; 538852; 1218963; 1138301; 734864; 1104867; 1173564; 1017934; 1141090; 1115772; 1077289; 1053467; 1095508; 859447; 1007154; 1148345; 1151941; 909213; 843757; 1003715; 947953; 1056881; 1071652; 678835; 956547; 894676; 1070835; 1224619; 1205743; 1030067; 1092407; 1164502; 1168164; 983853; 1175369; 905278; 985921; 1159596; 1204628; 1191207; 1146498; 1152433; 1007497; 1147745; 1085571; 1007182; 1139475; 1222490; 1132554; 987231; 945163; 33655
Version 1.0
Discipline Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Medicine