Comparison of perfusion models for quantitative T1 weighted DCE-MRI of rectal...
Twenty-six patients with newly diagnosed rectal carcinoma underwent 3T MRI of the pelvis including a T1 weighted dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) protocol before treatment. For... -
Pooled clone collections by multiplexed CRISPR-Cas12a-assisted gene tagging ...
Data accompanying the paper "Pooled clone collections by multiplexed CRISPR-Cas12a-assisted gene tagging in yeast" by Buchmuller and Herbst et al, 2019, Nat Communications.... -
Image-based screening for stress granule regulators
The supplied macro provides the opportunity to analyse large-scale image datasets, derived from image-based screening approaches. It can be used as a base for the segmentation... -
Glyco-STORM: Nanoscale Mapping of the Cellular Glycosylation Landscape
This project utilizes lectin staining combined with multiplexed super-resolution microscopy to explore the glycosylation patterns within different cellular contexts, such as... -
Functional and structural organization of medial entorhinal cortex layer VI [...
Deep layers (V/VI) of the entorhinal cortex transfer hippocampal neuronal activity to downstream neocortical networks. In addition, neurons in layer VI (LVI) of the medial... -
Fish primary embryonic pluripotent cells assemble into retinal tissue mirrori...
Development of a functional retina is accompanied by several morphological events transitions that ultimately result in the formation of a functional retina. One of them is the... -
Mapping degradation signals and pathways in a eukaryotic N-terminome [data set]
Data accompanying the paper "Mapping degradation signals and pathways in a eukaryotic N-terminome". -
Dual kinetic and structural role for the surface in guiding SAS-6 self-assemb...
This dataset contains input structures and parameters for coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of SAS-6 protein oligomers as well as post-processing files and analysis... -
Promoting water consumption using behavioral economics insights [Dataset]
Mexico has one of the largest overweight and obesity epidemics in the world and as a response, several actions aiming to reduce the obesity epidemic have been already set in... -
HDAMM-predictor: prediction of progression in asymptomatic myeloma patients
The HDAMM-predictor is based on microarray gene expression and predicts the risk of progression from asymptomatic to symptomatic myeloma. It divides the patients in three... -
Protein abundance control by non-coding antisense transcription [Dataset]
Data accompanying the paper "Protein abundance control by non-coding antisense transcription" by Huber et al, 2016, Cell Reports. This contains FACS data for the noise analysis... -
The quality of clinical maternal and neonatal healthcare
Data was collected in a total of 33 health factilities.Data was collected by direct non-participatory observation of the clinical interactions between maternal care providers... -
Out-of-pocket Expenditure on Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in Rural Malaw...
Data was collected in household survey conducted in the 2 rural districts of Thyolo and Chiradzulu in southern Malawi. The main purpose of the study was to determine the... -
Cellular correlates of gray matter volume changes in magnetic resonance morph...
This dataset accompanies the article of the same title in the journal Scientific Reports. It includes a) spreadsheets of data values for each plot in the main figures, b) all... -
GraphML file for homologues and reconstructed ancestors of arylsulfatases and...
Protein sequence network for homologues of arylsulfatases and phosphonate monoester hydrolases, including reconstructed ancestral sequences from a maximum-likelihood... -
Deep enzymology data related to Dukatz et al.: Complex DNA sequence readout m...
Experimental procedures: Libraries of double stranded DNA substrates with CpG, CpH or CpN sites in randomized sequence context were methlyated by DNMT3B. Reactions were stopped... -
Seed sequences for the Glycoside Hydrolase 19 Engineering Database
Query sequences for the individual BLAST searches used to initialize the Glycoside Hydrolase 19 Engineering Database (GH19ED, https://gh19ed.biocatnet.de/). -
Profile hidden Markov models of the Glycoside Hydrolase 19 Engineering Database
A starting alignment was built if other sequences with a known PDB structure were available, by performing a GH19 domain structure-based alignment generated through the mmaker... -
GraphML files for protein sequence networks of glycoside hydrolase 19 homologues
GraphML files for undirected weighted graphs with nodes that represent protein sequences of glycoside hydrolase 19 homologues. Protein sequences were clustered by a threshold of... -
Conserved positions in expansin homologues
Conserved positions in the N- and C-terminal expansin domains of different groups from the Expansin Engineering Database (occurring in at least 70% of the annotated sequence...