Collection of digitized gravure printed samples for the analysis of hydrodyna...
This dataset consists of 3840 gravure printed, high-resolution digitized images of size 11 x 11 mm (1040 x 1040 px) in tif-format. The dataset can be used for the analysis of... -
Systematische Literaturrecherche zu Anthropomorphismus in der Interaktion zwi...
Dieser Datensatz beschreibt die Ergebnisse einer systematischen Literaturrecherche zum Anthropomorphismus in der Interaktion zwischen Fußgänger:innen und automatisierten... -
Fotos Ossastraße Berlin (Neukölln)
Fotografien der Ossastraße in Berlin-Neukölln, beginnend mit der südwestlichen Straßenseite vom Rütli-Campus nach Südosten. Nordöstliche Straßenseite vom Rütli-Campus nach... -
X-Ray Powder Diffraction: SiC-CDC
X-ray powder diffraction patterns of SiC-CDCs produced at temperatures between 1000 and 1600 °C -
Object of Fixation Dataset
This dataset was created in order to evaluate different models for detecting the driver's current object of fixation, i.e. finding the object the driver is looking at, when... -
Fotos General-Barby-Straße Berlin (Reinickendorf)
Fotografien der General-Barby-Straße in Berlin-Reinickendorf (LOR Scharnweberstraße), beginnend mit der östlichen Straßenseite von Süd nach Nord. Westliche Straßenseite von Nord... -
Data of the publication: DosCalc: a parallelized tool to compute degree of fr...
Jupyter notebook file and simulation data and density of states -
FilmcalcX liquid film stability analysis
FimCalcX is a MS-Excel-based calculation sheet for stability analysis of thin liquid films of a two-component mixture or solution, one of which is evaporating into the gas... -
Data of Numerical Experiments
Error and quadrature nodes of five numerical experiments. -
X-ray powder diffraction pattern of iron molybdate catalysts
X-ray powder diffraction pattern of precipitated p-Fe2(MoO4)3 and ball-milling solid-state synthesized bm-Fe2(MoO4)3; X-ray powder diffraction pattern of precipitated... -
Fotos Meteorstraße Berlin (Reinickendorf)
Fotografien der nördlichen Straßenseite der Meteorstraße in Berlin-Reinickendorf (LOR Scharnweberstraße) von Ost nach West. -
Knowledge-based Semantic Role Labeling
Automatically frame- and role-labeled WaSR-corpora for English (WaSR_L_v1 and WaSR_XL_v1) WaSR-en-part 1 WaSR-en_part 2 WaSR_en_part 3 Automatically... -
Video of (-1-1-2)/(-121) HfO2 grain boundary, Moiré pattern
In this video, two VESTA models of cutting planes of monoclinic HfO2 grains are overlaid and moved laterally to each other (other degrees of freedom are not allowed in the... -
Water Distribution in a Socio-Technical System: Resilience Assessment for Cri...
The data set contains raw simulation data as well as aggregated results for the study "Water Distribution in a Socio-Technical System: Resilience Assessment for Critical Events... -
Figure 3: Influence of the solvent composition of the catalyst ink
Influence of the solvent composition in the catalyst ink on the wetting behavior and the resulting GDE performance. -
Listing 1
Working example for listing 1 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in... -
Convergence of the OpenFOAM fvc::reconstruct operator
Convergence of the OpenFOAM fvc::reconstruct operator error in the L_inf norm for the reconstruction of explicit velocity fields given by the single vortex case (2D shear)... -
A deterministic two-phase model for an active suspension with non-spherical a...
Results and Matlab scripts as presented in the paper "A deterministic two-phase model for an active suspension with non-spherical active particles using Eulerian spatial... -
Towards physics-based deep learning in OpenFOAM: Combining OpenFOAM with the ...
Slides from the Training "Towards physics-based deep learning in OpenFOAM: Combining OpenFOAM with the PyTorch C++ API" given at the 17th OpenFOAM Workshop -
Daten zu: Elektronische Laborbücher an der TU Darmstadt - Beispiel für ein st...
Die Daten entstanden im Rahmen eines (Bibliotheks-)Referendar-Projekts zum Thema Elektronische Laborbücher (ELN). Die Umfrage "Elektronische Laborbücher im akademischen...