Data needed to reproduce the figures of "The effect of Vaccination on post-CO...
Four semi-synthetic datasets in csv format and R code as a qmd file which reproduce the figures in the paper Meister et al. The effect of Vaccination on post-COVID-19 major... -
Data of binary transition metal and ZIF-8 functionalised polymer-derived cera...
This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of published paper "Binary transition metal and ZIF-8 functionalised polymer-derived ceramic catalysts for high... -
Data of bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst based on Fe, Co, and nitrogen co-...
This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of pulbished paper "Bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst based on Fe, Co, and nitrogen co-doped graphene-coated alumina... -
Dataset of zooarchaeological records from Jõelähtme stone-cist cemetery
This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological animal remains from Jõelähtme stone cist graves, Estonia (AI 5306). -
Dataset of microremains from Estonian Bronze Age dental calculus samples
This dataset represents the results of dental calculus analysis from three individuals’ teeth buried at Jõelähtme cemetery during the Bronze Age in Estonia. The dataset... -
Dataset of microremains from Estonian Bronze Age food crust samples
This dataset contains detailed analysis of microfossils from nine pottery foodcrust samples, taken from Iru Bronze Age fortified settlement and Bronze Age cemeteries in Iru,... -
Design Requirements Dataset for a Social Robot in Children's Social Skills Tr...
This dataset contains the requirements for the SemuBot. SemuBot is an open-source Social Assistive Robots (SAR) platform specifically designed for robot-mediated training... -
Dataset of zooarchaeological records from Iru fortified settlement site
This dataset contains zooarchaeological data collected during the analyses of archaeological animal remains from Late Bronze Age Iru fortified settlement, Estonia. The dataset... -
Andmed artiklile "Adult L1 users' attitudes towards their proficiency in writ...
See andmekogu sisaldab 2022. aasta detsembris läbi viidud küsitluse vastuseid, mida on analüüsitud artiklis "Adult L1 users' attitudes towards their proficiency in written... -
Research data for Early trigeminal and sensory impairment and lysosomal dysfu...
We present here data from our paper Early trigeminal and sensory impairment and lysosomal dysfunction in accurate models of Wolfram syndrome. We include data underlying all... -
Dataset of archaeobotanical data from Estonian archaeological sites
This dataset contains archaeobotanical data from Estonian archaeological sites. The dataset consists of one table. It is being made public to act as supplementary data for the... -
Mapping boundaries: Microprosodic and dialectal variability in the perception...
This repository contains the data and code for the paper Lippus, Pärtel, Liis Kask, Sofia Lutter, Nele Põldver, Kairi Kreegipuu. 2025. Mapping boundaries: Microprosodic and... -
Survey on Public Perceptions of Big Tech Companies in Europe
This data set contains a cross-country survey in 15 European countries on public perceptions of big-tech companies. The purpose of the dataset is to map out European citizens'... -
Suuline eesti keel arvudes. Sagedusandmestikud
Siin repositooriumis on projekti "Suuline eesti keel arvudes" raames koostatud sagedusandmestikud, mis kirjeldavad suulist eesti keelt. Andmestikud põhinevad Eesti keele... -
Levodopa impairs lysosomal function in sensory neurons in vitro
Each worksheet corresponds to a figure or figure part. Please see name of worksheet. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common chronic, degenerative brain diseases... -
Experimental unified pH scale in 1,2-dichloroethane
Experimental potentiometric unified pH (pHabs) scale is presented in 1,2 dichloroethane (1,2-DCE). The scale was compiled using differential potentiometric measurements, carried... -
Exploring Pitch and Length Perception: An EEG Study on Quantity Discriminatio...
Here, we present the raw EEG data from our investigation into the neurophysiological differences in language processing between children with developmental language disorder... -
Useful cover letter practices within writing groups
A cover letter is a pedagogical tool to elicit useful feedback within writing groups. From research conducted on participating students in Estonia as part of a postdoctoral... -
Hole punch clouds near Moscow Domodedovo airport
We used Terra MODIS satellite data to study hole punch clouds near Moscow Domodedovo airport (55.408611 N 37.906111 E). -
MODIS and HYSPLIT data to study anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liqui...
We used MODIS (https://modis-images.gsfc.nasa.gov/_docs/C6MOD06OPUserGuide.pdf) and HYSPLIT (https://www.ready.noaa.gov/HYSPLIT.php) data to study the anthropogenic glaciation...