Die Zukunft des kunsthistorischen Publizierens [XML-Version]
Der Sammelband „Zur Zukunft des kunsthistorischen Publizierens“ – erschienen als PDF-E-Book, HTML-Version und Print-on-Demand-Ausgabe – wird hier zusätzlich als angereichte... -
Digital Publishing for the Humanities - New Technologies and Ideas
Slides presented by the speakers at the International Conference "Digital Publishing for the Humanities - Nw Technologies and Ideas" - Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck... -
E-LIS between old and new forms of Grey Literature encompasses new forms of r...
Data are divided into general categories, according to the way they have been collected or elaborated, and these are the most common types. One of the 23 typology of metadata... -
Free Licenses and Creative Commons: A Powerful Tool for Open Access Publishin...
This project aimed to uncover open licenses and describe how they are used, focusing on Creative Commons free licenses, the most widely known worldwide. The Open Access... -
GreyNet’s Capacity in Open Access Publishing
GreyNet’s web-access portal and repository is the GreyGuide – an internet resource that is fully open access compliant. Having benefited from technical developments, the... -
Revisiting an Open Access monograph experiment: measuring citations and tweet...
In 2009, an experiment was conducted on 400 monographs, measuring the effects of Open Access (OA) on discovery, online consultation, sales figures, dissemination channels and... -
Grey Literature Archiving Pattern in BRICS Open Access Repositories
The present study was conducted to examine the grey literature archiving pattern in OA repositories of BRICS. The data for this study was retrieved from the Bielefeld Academic... -
Grey Literature in Open Repositories: New Insights and New Issues
HAL is the national open repository for documents and data from French scientists. The paper analyses how grey literature is represented on HAL. It presents original empirical... -
Degrees of Openness: Grey Literature in Institutional Repositories
In spite of the growing success of the open access initiative, a significant part of scientific and technical information remains unavailable on the web or circulates with... -
Publication data analysis for TUDa, RWTH and KIT, 2016-2023, based on OpenAlex
Publication data is queried and retrieved from the OpenAlex catalog of scholarly records, using python. A simple script is used, utilizing the OpenAlex API via the pyAlex... -
Data Check RSC Scopus vs. FWF
Comparison of Scopus' and FWF's data on Austrian publication output at RSC. -
Data Check T&F Scopus vs. FWF
Comparison of Scopus' and FWF's data on Austrian publication output at T&F. -
RSC Austrian Publications 2013-2017
Data on Austrian open access publication output at RSC from 2013-2017 including data analysis. -
SAGE Austrian Publications 2013-2017
Data on Austrian open access publication output at SAGE from 2013-2017 including data analysis. -
Springer Austrian Publications 2013-2016
Data on Austrian open access publication output at Springer from 2013-2016 including data analysis. -
Taylor&Francis Austrian Publications 2013-2017
Data on Austrian open access publication output at Taylor&Francis from 2013-2017 including data analysis. -
Data Check IOP Scopus vs. Publisher
Comparison of Scopus' and publisher's data on Austrian publication output at IOP. -
IOP Austrian Publications 2012-2015
Data on Austrian open access publication output at IOP from 2012-2015 including data analysis. -
Emerald Austrian Publications 2013-2017
Data on Austrian open access publication output at Emerald from 2013-2017 including data analysis. -
Die Zukunft des kunsthistorischen Publizierens [XML-Version]
Der Sammelband „Zur Zukunft des kunsthistorischen Publizierens“ – erschienen als PDF-E-Book, HTML-Version und Print-on-Demand-Ausgabe – wird hier zusätzlich als angereichte...