Preliminary investigation of materials from the Hamburger Rotes Stadtsbuch 11...
Dataset of the preliminary investigation of materials from the Hamburger Rotes Stadtsbuch 111-1_RSH. Devices used: Elio (Bruker/XGLab): 40 kV and 80 µA, 60s... -
Profile of a weld bead deposited by robotized GMAW-CMT process
The data set contains scanned profiles of MAG-CMT weld seams deposited on flat steel sheet. 35 beads for 4 parameter sets (140 beads in total) were deposited, enabling... -
Characterisation of relaxation of residual stresses due to heat treatment in ...
Additive manufacturing, otherwise know as 3D printing is gaining in industrial relevance as a manufacturing technique partially due to the ability to fabricate complex... -
Multi-axial strain measurement under creep-fatigue interaction for novel powe...
Power plant components are subjected to high temperature and cyclic loadings causing them to operate near or beyond the yield limit of the material, hence residual stresses will... -
Analysis of the local residual stress field in gas metal arc welds treated us...
Localised high-pressure rolling of welded joints in structural materials is currently being investigated as an industrially relevant means of eliminating harmful residual... -
NRCA set-up optimization
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quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment process 44
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment process 44 -
Evaluating the effect of cyclic plasticity on creep using a novel crystal pla...
In power generation plants, many critical components are subjected to complex tension-compression cyclic loading followed by long-term creep dwells. While uniaxial creep... -
Neutron diffraction characterization of Japanese steel swords fragments
Studying the sword forging techniques, and its evolution with time, is one of the most interesting topics in the analysis of the Japanese blade forging methodology. In that... -
The role of dislocation slip on the activation of different twinning modes in...
Twinning is an important deformation mechanism in hcp metals like Zirconium. It is now accepted that, unless twinning is accounted for, the typical deformation textures in these... -
In situ neutron diffraction during ferrite or bainite transformation from pla...
Advanced steels have been studied aiming at realizing higher strength with high toughness by microstructural control, minimizing the use of alloying elements. Grain refinement... -
Creep Cavitation in Stainless Steel Weldments
Reheat cracking is a creep failure mode that has been observed in welded structures operating at high temperatures in the power generation industry. The failure results from the... -
Magnetic fluctuations in the cubic helimagnet FeGe
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Neutron Diffraction residual Stress Measurement in Cold Weld Repair Tubular J...
Grade 91 pipes and tubes have become a standard material for the design of new and refurbishment of existing Power Plants. Several major failures have been encountered after... -
Measurement of Stress Evolution during In-situ Heat Treatment of Dissimilar W...
This study aims to quantify the effect of post-weld heat treatment on residual stress in dissimar weld joints and to improve the avoidance of the in-service failure of weld... -
In-Situ Measurement of the Evolution of Residual Stress During the Post-Weld ...
Reduced-pressure electron beam (RPEB) welding is an advanced welding technique being considered for Gen III and Gen IV nuclear piping and pressure vessel applications. RPEB... -
Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of a Lignin Model Compound - TOSCA
Bio-oil can be obtained from the pyrolysis of biomass and maintains a closed carbon cycle with no net increase in atmospheric CO2 level, making the environment cleaner. However,... -
Cobalt phase analysis and internal strain under thermomechanical loading: all...
The present proposal leans on the study of the elastoviscoplastic behavior of a polycrystalline Co by neutron diffraction (ENGIN-X) in line with theoretical investigations : 4... -
Neutron Compton scattering investigation of hydrogen defects in Al2O3/Al hydr...
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Investigation of single crystal diamond detectors at high temperature under i...
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