Dataset of the preliminary investigation of materials from the Hamburger Rotes Stadtsbuch 111-1_RSH.
Devices used:
Elio (Bruker/XGLab): 40 kV and 80 µA, 60s per spot.
M6 JetStream (Bruker Nano GmbH): 50kv, 600µA, 100-200µm pixel size, 10-100ms per pixel.
InVia (Renishaw): x100 microscope objective, 785nm and 532nm lasers, 1-2mW laser power, 3-20 scans of 1-2s
LabSpec 4 Hi-Res (Malvern Panalytical): 350 – 2500 nm, 100 ms scanning time, 2 mm spot size, 50 scans
Apollo IRR mobile system (OPUS): LED light panels with 1050nm and 1450nm from Involutech, Sp. z o.o., Sensor working distance 74cm; aperture f/11; table height 73cm; light panels at 45˚, height 140cm, distance 62cm.
MSI System (MegaVision): Q15 camera sensor, Aperture f/11; tripods distance 140cm; main bank panels at 50˚, height 242cm, 15cm in from tripod; auxiliary panels at 40˚, height 181cm, 21cm in from tripod; raking light panels at 15˚, height 124cm, 22cm in from tripod.
Files description:
RotesBuch_Preview.jpg - photo taken during analysis of the miniature of p.18 with the Raman spectrometer inVia (Renishaw), for illustration purpose - full IRR dataset (unflattened images) - full XRF dataset captured with the XRF spectrometer ELIO (Bruker / XGLab) on the clasps and latches (raw spectra and plots) - full Raman dataset (raw spectra and plots) - full XRF dataset captured with the scanning XRF spectrometerM6 JetStream (Bruker Nano GmBh) on the miniature, decorations and initials (bcf files, maps of elemental distribution, map spectra and maximum pixel spectra) - full Vis-NIR dataset (reflectance, first derivative, log(1/R), plotted spectra) - full MSI dataset (raws, flats, flattened, processed data and descriptions)
RotesBuch_report.pdf - report on the preliminary investigation of materials from the Staatsarchiv Hamburg "Rotes Buch"
RSH_111-1_Protocol.pptx - analytical protocol
The research for this analysis was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC 2176 'Understanding Written Artefacts: Material, Interaction and Transmission in Manuscript Cultures', project no. 390893796. The research was conducted within the scope of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) at Universität Hamburg.
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