Preliminary investigation of materials from the Hamburger Rotes Stadtsbuch 11...
Dataset of the preliminary investigation of materials from the Hamburger Rotes Stadtsbuch 111-1_RSH. Devices used: Elio (Bruker/XGLab): 40 kV and 80 µA, 60s... -
Mixed Inks in Two Coptic Documents from the Hermopolite Region Relating to Le...
In this article, we present two Coptic papyri, P 11934 and P 11935 from the Berlin collection excavated in Ashmunein (ancient Hermopolis) by Otto Rubensohn in 1906. We employ a... -
X-Ray Fluorescence, Reflectography, Visible Spectrophotometry, Fourier-transf...
X-Ray Fluorescence (ARTAX: 50kV, 600 µA, linescans of 10-20 points, diverse times used (10 to 100s), & spot analyses of 120s), FTIR (Exoscans, diffuse reflection...