Colle Gnifetti (Monte Rosa, Alps) ice-core glaciochemical and trace element r...
The impurity and stable isotope in water records extracted from the Colle Gnieffti ice core (Swiss-Italian Alps, 45°55′50″N, 7°52′33″E, 4455 m asl) contain information on the... -
NEEM-2011-S1 ice-core aerosol record (conductivity, NH4, NO3, BC, acidity, Na...
A continuous ice core analytical system was used to analyze the ~410 m NEEM-2011-S1 ice core collected in summer 2011 near the NEEM deep drilling site in NW Greenland. The core... -
Aerosol concentration and size distribution (25-685nm) measured with a scanni...
The Tara Pacific expedition (2016-2018) sampled coral ecosystems around 32 islands in the Pacific Ocean, and sampled the surface of oceanic waters at 249 locations, resulting in... -
Climate data Record of Stratospheric aerosols (CREST) Merged aerosol extinc...
The Climate data REcord of STratospheric Aerosols (CREST) is derived from data by six limb and occultation satellite instruments: SAGE II on ERBS, GOMOS and SCIAMACHY on... -
Sensitivity of surface solar radiation to aerosol-radiation and aerosol-cloud...
Data and codes supporting the research piece of work entitled 'Sensitivity of surface solar radiation to aerosol-radiation and aerosol-clouds interactions over Europe in... -
Gains and losses in surface solar radiation with dynamic aerosols in regional...
Data and codes supporting the research piece of work entitled 'Gains and losses in surface solar radiation with dynamic aerosols in regional climate simulations for Europe' -
Sensitivity of surface solar radiation to aerosol-radiation and aerosol-cloud...
Data and codes supporting the research piece of work entitled 'Sensitivity of surface solar radiation to aerosol-radiation and aerosol-cloud interactions over Europe in... -
Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) concentrations at 1.0% supersaturation level ...
This dataset contains CCN concentrations at five supersaturation levels, averaged to 1 min time resolution, measured during the year-long Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory... -
Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) concentrations at 0.5% supersaturation level ...
This dataset contains CCN concentrations at five supersaturation levels, averaged to 1 min time resolution, measured during the year-long Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory... -
Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) concentrations at 0.3% supersaturation level ...
This dataset contains CCN concentrations at five supersaturation levels, averaged to 1 min time resolution, measured during the year-long Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory... -
Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) concentrations at 0.2% supersaturation level ...
This dataset contains CCN concentrations at five supersaturation levels, averaged to 1 min time resolution, measured during the year-long Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory... -
Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) concentrations at 0.15% supersaturation level...
This dataset contains CCN concentrations at five supersaturation levels, averaged to 1 min time resolution, measured during the year-long Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory... -
Beryllium-7 concentrations in aerosols during the MOSAiC expedition
Aerosol samples were obtained with a Tisch TE-5170V-BL high volume aerosol sampler, modified to collect 12 replicate samples on acid-washed 47mm diameter Whatman-41 (W-41)... -
Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between K...
At the majority of the sampling locations, 4 snow profiles in a triangle setup (one profile in the center surrounded by the others with 10m spacing) have been sampled. The... -
Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between K...
At the majority of the sampling locations, 4 snow profiles in a triangle setup (one profile in the center surrounded by the others with 10m spacing) have been sampled. The... -
Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between K...
At the majority of the sampling locations, 4 snow profiles in a triangle setup (one profile in the center surrounded by the others with 10m spacing) have been sampled. The... -
Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between K...
At the majority of the sampling locations, 4 snow profiles in a triangle setup (one profile in the center surrounded by the others with 10m spacing) have been sampled. The... -
Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between K...
At the majority of the sampling locations, 4 snow profiles in a triangle setup (one profile in the center surrounded by the others with 10m spacing) have been sampled. The... -
Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between K...
At the majority of the sampling locations, 4 snow profiles in a triangle setup (one profile in the center surrounded by the others with 10m spacing) have been sampled. The... -
Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between K...
At the majority of the sampling locations, 4 snow profiles in a triangle setup (one profile in the center surrounded by the others with 10m spacing) have been sampled. The...