SnakeCLEF 2021
The dataset with 409,679 images belonging to 772 snake species from 188 countries and all continents (386,006 images with labels targeted for development and 23,673 images... -
Replication Data for: Fire impacts on the biology of stream ecosystems: a syn...
This dataset lists and summarizes all 161 articles that we used to write a review on the effects of fire on stream ecosystems. First we characterize each article in terms of... -
Metsänomistajien näkemyksiä METSO-ohjelmasta ja metsien käytöstä 2014
Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin metsänomistajien näkemyksiä METSO-ohjelmasta, mielipiteitä monimuotoisuuden turvaamisen keinoista, metsien käsittelyn periaatteista, vuorovaikutuksen... -
Kansainvälisten ilmasto- ja biodiversiteettipaneelien sosiaaliset verkostot 2...
Aineisto sisältää koosteen ryhmäjäsenyyksistä liittyen kansainvälisen ilmastopaneelin (IPCC), kansainvälisen biodiversiteettipaneelin (IPBES), Future Earth -tutkimusohjelman ja... -
Global 10 arc-seconds land suitability maps for projecting future agricultura...
This repository contains data from “Global 10 arc-seconds land suitability maps for projecting future agricultural expansion” study. Abstract: Conversion of nature into... -
Biodiversity and climate determine the functioning of Neotropical forests
Tropical forests account for a quarter of the global carbon storage and a third of the terrestrial productivity. Few studies have teased apart the relative importance of... -
Carbon limitation and aluminium toxicity prevents dominance of Crassula helms...
This study consist of a greenhouse competition experiment with the invasive species C. helmsii and the native (the Netherlands) L. uniflora. In this experiment, the development... -
Online-Befragung "Biodiversität und Lebensmittelproduktion – Bewusstsein, Ein...
Bisher liegen kaum Untersuchungen dazu vor, inwieweit bei Konsument:innen ein Bewusstsein über den Zusammenhang von Lebensmittelproduktion/‑konsum und der Gefährdung von... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - 935 g...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - 746 o...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Norma...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Miljö...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Resul...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Begränsad tillväxt av fjällbjörkplantor över årtionden har liten inverkan på ...
The study addresses two important issues in arctic treeline dynamics: • How do birch saplings, being the dominant treeline species, that have been established above treeline... -
Inventeringsdata för fåglar, mossor, lavar och kärlväxter från 40 tall- och g...
The aim of the data collection was to examine differences in biodiversity between two different age classes of production forest stands. Surveys were conducted between 2016-2017... -
Foce Saccione-Bonifica Ramitelli (Campobasso) - Italy - biological parameter,...
The study of the cetacean strandings along the Central Adriatic coast started on 2009 and is currently underway. The data is collected occasionally, by citizens which observed... -
Foce Trigno-Marina di Petacciato (Campobasso) - Italy - biological parameter,...
The study of the cetacean strandings along the Central Adriatic coast started on 2009 and is currently underway. The data is collected occasionally, by citizens which observed... -
Inventory of plant vascular community diversity and large herbivore pressure ...
This dataset contains data on vascular plant diversity and community composition of the understory in mature broadleaf and conifer forest stands in the Sologne natural region,... -
Aquatic macroinvertebrate abundance in French experimental polyculture fishponds
The dataset contains abundances of aquatic macroinvertebrates measured in six freshwater fishponds in France during the SEPURE project « New strategies to build and manage fish... -
Fabas forest plots acquired during the HYPERBIO project
This dataset was collected during the TOSCA HYPERBIO project supported by CNES, in collaboration with ONERA/DOTA and TETIS Lab. The FABAS forest is located in the “Vallées et...