Corpus of sociological articles studying perceptions of the future
This dataset provides bibliographical information for 571 English language sociological research articles that empirically study actors' expectations, aspirations and... -
Elita władzy
Elita władzy w województwach poznańskim i kaliskim za Zygmunta III -
Czech Sociological Review 1993-2016
Selected research articles and essays published in Czech Sociological Review from 1993 to 2016. Originally Czech, non-translated material only. 522 documents in total. In terms... -
Corpus of sociological articles studying perceptions of the future
This dataset provides bibliographical information for 571 English language sociological research articles that empirically study actors' expectations, aspirations and... -
Suomalaisten sosiologien haastatteluja 1978-1981
Aineisto koostuu vuosina 1978-1981 tehdyistä suomalaisten sosiologien haastatteluista. Haastatteluissa käydään läpi pitkänlinjan sosiologien tutkimusuraa. Tutkijoiden... -
Innovation : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Mediagedrag van een allochtoon kind 1989
Role of the media in staying informed about life in native country and in the Netherlands / appreciate most being informed via radio or television or books or newspapers etc. /... -
Bewonersonderzoek Schilderswijk 1977-1978
Which houses are to be renovated or pulled down/ use and appreciation of existing facilities/ wishes of inhabitants about future outline of neighbourhood. Details on housing and... -
Jeugd en toneel 1964
Theatre going / kinds of theatre / reading of programs and reviews. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ education/ religion/ readership, mass media, and... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1989 - CV'89
Conditions for shorter working hours: income versus leisure / working conditions, quality of job / doing volunteer work / satisfaction with social position / leisure activities,... -
Regionaal woonwagencentrum 'De Huppel' 1974
Opinions on trailer camp in Utrecht / space / facilities / accommodation facilities for children / clubs / contacts with the city, family / living in a house / moving around... -
Gaande man 1958 : Studies over de Nederlandse emigratie
Follow-up among emigrants / disappointments / housing conditions / work experiences / social integration / adjustment / control of language / contacts with homeland. Background... -
Arbeidsoriëntatie en arbeidsperspectieven van alleenstaande ABW/RWW-vrouwen m...
Single women with social security benefit: orientation and perspectives concerning participation of employment. social security / application duty / fulltime / part-time work/... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1992 - CV'92
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population. The survey contains questions about (actual) political topics, many aspects of values and... -
Jongeren en vakantie 1969
How is holiday spent? Preferences / interests / transportation / which company / use of youth hostels / Rosenbergs self-evaluation scale / knowledge of youth hostels / youth... -
Publiek van de Nederlandse musea 1989
The public and the approach of the public in Dutch museums. This survey is based on existing data on visitors of museums, from surveys that were held during the period of... -
Landelijk onderzoek geboortenpatroon, 1969 ( LOG 1969 )
Study of the social differences in wishes, expectations and behaviour of married women regarding contraception and family planning, with special attention for the planning in... -
Junge Generation West-Deutschlands 1962
Experiences in upbringing / relationship between parents / experiences in work and school / aspirations / choice of job / political interest / anti-democratic attitude /... -
Maatschappelijke participatie van vrouwen met gezins- verantwoordelijkheid 1974
Opinions on job and family / upbringing and attending / wishes concerning arrangements and facilities on the job, at school and in the neighbourhood / wishes concerning... -
NPAO arbeidsmarktonderzoek 1982
Research of the mutual relation between labour, mobility, income and education. Detailed descriptions of r's school career and occupational career / kinds of work, distances to...