Model outputs for isotopic data analysis at Concordia station, 2019 - 2020
The dataset includes water vapour isotopic composition measured in Antarctica during the East Antarctic International Ice Sheet Traverse (EAIIST) between November 2019 and... -
Model outputs for isotopic data analysis at Dumont d'Urville station, 2019 - ...
The dataset includes water vapour isotopic composition measured in Antarctica during the East Antarctic International Ice Sheet Traverse (EAIIST) between November 2019 and... -
Model outputs for isotopic data analysis along the EAIIST traverse, 2019 - 2020
The dataset includes water vapour isotopic composition measured in Antarctica during the East Antarctic International Ice Sheet Traverse (EAIIST) between November 2019 and... -
Suspension particle size and water quality data from Laihianjoki and Sulvanjo...
Water samples were collected from the Laihianjoki and Sulvanjoki rivers in April 2021, using a bucket and transferred to 30 L acid-washed containers. The sampling was conducted... -
Water quality and geochemical data from Laihianjoki and Sulvanjoki flocculati...
Water samples were collected from the Laihianjoki and Sulvanjoki rivers in April 2021, using a bucket and transferred to 30 L acid-washed containers. The sampling was conducted... -
High resolution (5 cm) continuous record of grain size and magnetic susceptib...
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Dissolved rare earth elements, shale-normalized patterns, biogeochemical para...
We analyzed concentrations of dissolved rare earth elements (REE) across the land-ocean continuum in the German Bight (southern North Sea) to identify key drivers for REE... -
Bulk sediment parameter of sediment core CHAT 10K in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
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Physical properties of sediment core MD01-2418
Due to various technical problems with the MST, all MST data should handled with care -
Physical properties of sediment core MD01-2417
Due to various technical problems with the MST, all MST data should handled with care -
Physical properties of sediment core MD01-2416
Due to various technical problems with the MST, all MST data should handled with care -
Magnetic susceptibility of core B1-06, Viernheim, from the Heidelberg Basin (...
This dataset has no description
Magnetic susceptibility of core UN1 and UN2, from the Heidelberg Basin (Germany)
This dataset has no description
Magnetic susceptibility measurements of core P36, Ludwigshafen, from the Heid...
This dataset has no description
Hydrography based on CTD data from the front of Hisinger Glacier in Dickson F...
This dataset contains hydrographic measurements collected in Dickson Fjord, Northeast Greenland, between July 31st and August 15th 2022, as part of the Greenland Gradients... -
RTG 2300 - Fine root biomass inventory 2018
This dataset provides information about the fine root biomass inventory conducted in April 2018 in plots of the interdisciplinary research training group 'RTG2300: Enrichment of... -
Physical properties of firn core DML05C98_32 (B32)
This dataset has no description
Physical properties of firn core DML07C98_31 (B31)
This dataset has no description
Processed physical properties of sediment core PS87_030_KA
Physical properties of core PS87_030_KAL were retrieved onboard RV Polarstern during expedition PS87 using a Geotek Multi-Sensor Core Logger MSCL-S. Processing of p-wave... -
NEEM-2011-S1 ice-core aerosol record (conductivity, NH4, NO3, BC, acidity, Na...
A continuous ice core analytical system was used to analyze the ~410 m NEEM-2011-S1 ice core collected in summer 2011 near the NEEM deep drilling site in NW Greenland. The core...