Radon-222 measurements at Cataract Scout Park, Australia, taken during the CO...
Measurements of radon-222 (222Rn) concentration were collected using a 1500 L dual-flow loop radon detector, designed and built by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology... -
Supplementary material and KEBA Model used in the evaluation of Kansas wind e...
This collection contains the the input data and Python code used to generate wind park and wind speed and park yield estimates from the simple KEBA (single boundary layer... -
Substrate composition, erodibility (Cohesive Strength Meter; CSM) and undrain...
This dataset comprises measurements of substrate composition (water content, organic content, carbonate content, particle size, particle density, root mass content), erodibility... -
Exploration of the Activity of Asteroid (101955) Bennu
This compressed file contains data from numerical simulations performed by Minor-Mercury, Minor-Equilibria and Minor-Gravity packages, that we use to build figures, tables and... -
Dataset corresponding to "Investigation of the stability of human freezing-li...
The data set contains preprocessed body sway (in mm) and heart rate (in beats-per-minute) data at ages 14 and 17, as well as raw data of life events (assessed at ages 2.5, 5,... -
A carbazole-based self-assembled monolayer as the hole transport layer for ef...
Mixed tin/lead (Sn/Pb) perovskites have the potential to achieve higher performances in single junction solar cells compared to Pb-based compounds. The best Sn/Pb based devices... -
Eigenvalue scripts and data sets 2D temporal stability analysis ASBL
Scripts for computation of temporal eigenvalues of ASBL stability problem; data sets containing eigenvalues from Re = 20'000 to Re = 6'000'000; contact alparslan.yalcin@gmx.de... -
Night-time oxidation of meat-cooking emissions: kinetics and products of mixe...
We propose to study the two unsaturated surfactant palmitoleic acid (POA) and oleic acid (OA) and three binary mixtures (1:1) stearic acid (SA)/OA, SA/POA and OA/POA exposed to... -
The impact of synthetic perfumes on surfactant self-assembly.
This proposal is part of a broad collaboration between Oxford, CCLRC, and Unilever in the study of surfactants and mixed surfactants at interfaces and in solution. This is an... -
Mechanisms of shear stability in emulsions
High internal phase water-in-oil emulsions can be efficiently stabilised by polymer amphiphiles for a static emulsion, and also show high shear stabillity even at elevated... -
Moment stability and spin fluctuations in ferromagnetic Au4V
Au4V is an extremely unusual alloy. Neither Au nor V is generally found to carry a magnetic moment in the metallic state, yet the body-centred tetragonal (bct), structurally... -
Effects of pH and ionic strength on stability and structure of lipid-polymer ...
Nanostructured lipid aggregates offer enormous potential as tools for membrane structural biology and biophysics. Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles have a number of attractive... -
Copy of: ATmospheric Oxidation of MIxed films studied by Neutron Reflectometr...
Quantifying amount, composition and fate of surface-active organic aerosols originating from cooking processes is a key atmospheric research activity. Our project aims to... -
Latex - structure in binary mixtures - studies of crystallisation and stability
Recent experiments on SANS2D have indicated that small colloidal particles can act as macroions that screen the charged interactions of larger particles. This can cause changes... -
The XY pyrochlore AFM:spin dynamics upon rare-earth dilution in Er2Ti2O7 (CON...
Er2Ti2O7 constitutes an experimental realization of the <111> easy-plane pyrochlore AFM and orders at 1.1 K into the theoretically predicted spin structure. However, the... -
More than the sum - oxidation behaviour of mixed fatty acid monolayers
Single molecule thin films of various surface-active species are found on the surface of water bodies from the sea down to microscopic spray droplets. These films affect the... -
High-pressure and variable-temperature studies of RDX
Previous studies have suggested that a high-pressure form of the widely used secondary explosive RDX can be obtained above ~4 GPa and 488 K. This phase is reported to be... -
Degenerate ground-states in Ho2-xYxSn2O7
Ho2-xYxSn2O7 is characterized by degenerate magnetic ground-states, which involve the magnetic structure for x->0 (Spin-Ice phase) and the two-fold degeneracy of the... -
Autoxidation vs. Ozonolysis of Surfactant Mixtures Containing Poly-unsaturate...
Surface-active molecules with water-loving and water-hating parts have been found to contribute substantially to the man-made urban aerosol load originating from cooking... -
Close control over microemulsion stability using blended solvents
The aim of this proposal is to investigate a novel approach to phase separation in microemulsions using careful choice of organic solvents, and appropriate mixtures....