Probing the superconducting ground state of the centrosymmetric superconducto...
This proposal plans to investigate the superconducting ground state of LaNiGa2 which is a centrosymmetric superconductor with a superconducting transition of ~2K. Heat capacity... -
Muonium in BeO
BeO is a promising material in order to improve HfO2-based MOSFET devices, and a candidate substitute of HfO2 as high-k gate material. The electrical properties of BeO can be... -
Magnetic Ground State of a New Honeycomb Iridate
A new layered iridate material, Cu2IrO3, has been fabricated. This material is isostructural with the much-studied Na2IrO3 and has a nearly ideal honeycomb structure that should... -
Magnetic ordering and correlation phenomena in the rare-earth RT2Al10 compounds
RT2Al10 is a new series of rare-earth-based ternary aluminide compounds that show a variety of magnetic phenomena. This proposal is for a muSR study on three of its members to... -
Repolarization of Radicals in Liquids
The recovery of the muon polarization in a longitudinal magnetic field has been used to obtain the muon hfcs of organic radicals. In pure benzene there is a single step in the... -
MuSR Study of Magnetically Frustrated Lu2Mo2(O,N)7 pyrochlores
The combination of magnetic frustration and low magnetic moment leads to non-classical magnetic behaviour such as spin liquid states. We have prepared polycrystalline samples of... -
Muon Spin Relaxation and ALC Resonance in Magnetic and non-Magnetic Oxalate S...
Repolarisation and level crossing resonance will be studied for several different oxalate compounds where muon radical states are known to be formed. Such compounds form a... -
Mechanical disorder-induced quantum spin liquid in a two-dimensional triangul...
The quantum spin liquid (QSL) state is one of the possible outcomes of quantum fluctuations advancing magnetic systems into a disordered phase. After more than 30 years of quest... -
Probing re-entrant glassy state in spin chain compound Sm2BaNiO5 using µ-SR s...
We are currently investigating Haldane spin-chain compounds [PRB 2017] of the type R2BaNiO5 (R = rare earth) using bulk measurements and have found the multifunctional... -
Possible muon diffusion in frustrated magnets
Recent investigations into spin ice suggest excitations that behave like magnetic monopoles, this has included a transverse field muon experiment. When zero field muon... -
Searching for magnetic ordering and spin-gapped behavior in the first S = 1 ¿...
We propose to explore the spin dynamics in LiNiVO4, a system which we believe is a previously unobserved realization of a random distribution of 1D antiferromagnetic Heisenberg... -
Fluctuating stripes in an insulating hole-doped antiferromagnet
In a recent letter to Nature, Boothroyd and coworkers have shown that the well known hour-glass spectrum, previously observed in some cuprate materials, occurs in a hole doped... -
Spin fluctuations in heavy fermion system
A study of the ground state of the Ce5Rh4Sn10 is proposed. Compound belongs to the heavy fermion system with two magnetic phase transitions at 1.4 K and 4.3 K. While the... -
Magnetic properties of yttrium diluted Ho2-xYxTi2O7 spin ice.
Pure Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7 exhibit spin ice behaviour. The recent discovery of monopoles and "magnetricity" in Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice has only added to the interest in these... -
Investigating the Persistence of the Valence Bond Glass State in Ba2-xSrxLuMoO6
As part of a project to develop new electronic materials based on the coupling of electronic and structural properties in new perovskites we have been investigating the... -
Is the electronic ground state of magnetically frustrated fcc Cs3C60 a spin l...
We have been recently successful in isolating the fcc polymorph of the key hyperexpandedfulleride Cs3C60 - this phase can be driven from an insulating to a bulk suprconducting... -
Determining the spin gap in TiPO4
We propose to determine the spin gap in TiPO4, to do this we will carry out a zero-field temperature scan from 5 to 150 K and anticipate focusing our measurements on the region... -
Investigation of lithium diffusion in spinel Li2NiGe3O8 and N-doped Li3+xV4-x...
We wish to perform muon spectroscopic experiments on materials from two ceramic systems that are of interest for possible solid electrolyte applications in lithium-ion battery... -
Quantum spin liquids: beyond Herbertsmithite
We aim at exploring the ground state of new Cu2+ S=1/2 kagome compounds, isomorphic to the now-celebrated Herbertsmithite, namely CdCu3(OH)6Cl2 and MgCu3(OH)6Cl2. Due to the... -
Probing the magnetic ground state in one dimensional magnetic systems Ba3CrS5...
Most of the one dimensional spin chain compounds are antiferromagnetic with a rich magnetic phase diagram due to the magnetic frustration. We have synthesized Ba3CrS5 and...