MINTIA paper Biological samples
Reads corresponding to the biological samples initially analysed in "Investigating Host Microbiota Relationships Through Functional Metagenomics" of Laville et al and used to... -
PlantSyntenyViewer Cucurbitaceae submission file
Submission file of Cucurbitaceae botanic family (22 proto-chromosomes) in PlantSyntenyViewer -
Untargeted metabolomic analyses on seeds of six Camelina sativa varieties cul...
See https://doi.org/10.15454/ATTENN, Portail Data INRAE, V1 for a full description of the experiment. Statistical analyses on untargeted metabolomic data Raw data were... -
DNA metabarcoding of foliar fungal communities in an untreated vineyard
This sequence dataset (FASTQ format) was obtained by metabarcoding fungal communities of 20-days old leaves in an untreated vineyard located in INRA Vilenave d'Ornon (France).... -
Sicpa Sanitaire
Base de données sanitaire multi espèces des unités expérimentales animales de l'Inra. -
Following the Adaptive Path of Fruit Tree Domestication using Population Geno...
In this paper, we generated four high-quality genome assemblies, for the first time anchored on genetic maps for apricots, and we sequenced the genomes of 578 accessions from... -
RNA sequencing data for responses to drought stress and/or clubroot pathogen ...
Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is the third largest oil crop worldwide. Like other crops, oilseed rape faces unfavorable environmental conditions resulting from multiple and... -
Bioindication diatomées : comparaison microscopie / barcoding ADN. Données br...
Fichiers fastqrassemble tous les fichier fastq des échantillons de 2016 et 2017 Ils sont numérotés de 1.fastq à 464.fastq La correspondance avec les échantillons est donné dans... -
Early castration of horses
• Background: The very early castration of foals has not yet been studied despite the many positive effects observed in domestic carnivores. • Objectives: To compare the... -
Meloidogyne incognita Interproscan annotation
Interproscan annotation on the 43,718 predicted proteins in the genome of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Blanc-Mathieu et al. 2017, PLoS Genetics). vesrion used:... -
Gene Ontology enrichment in PPN-specific and horizontally acquired proteins
We used a hypergeometric test within the FUNC program (Prüfer et al., 2007) to determine whether certain GO terms assigned via InterproScan annotation were significantly... -
Data from: A high-quality grapevine downy mildew genome assembly reveals rapi...
This dataset includes analysis files for the paper "A high-quality grapevine downy mildew genome assembly reveals rapidly evolving and lineage-specific putative host adaptation... -
Phenotypic, genotypic and transcriptomic data of 241 Populus nigra (from the ...
This dataset includes all the files produced in the Sybiopop project. -
Asso-279: data, results and software associated with the genome-wide associat...
Here are data, results and software as used for the article "A genome-wide association and prediction study in grapevine deciphers the genetic architecture of multiple traits... -
Simulated Dataset for assessment shotgun metagenomics short read methodology
DWGSIM (v 0.1.13) has been used to simulate shotgun metagenomics short reads from Illumina sequencing platforms. 52,8 millions of paired-ends reads were extracted from 32... -
Mayotte rivers: databases used for the development of diatom and macroinverte...
Données ayant servi au projet "Développement d’outils de bio-indication «phytobenthos» et «macro-invertébrés benthiques» pour les eaux de surface continentales de Mayotte". Ce... -
Shallots virome
In order to elucidate the etiology of a novel disease on shallots in France, double-stranded RNAs from four symptomatic plants and two asymptomatic plants were analyzed using... -
Data from "Protein structure in model infant milk formulas impacts their kine...
Mass spectrometry data used to generate peptidomics results for the cited article: "Protein structure in model infant milk formulas impacts their kinetics of hydrolysis under in... -
Phenotypic and genotypic data of a European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) progen...
We provide phenotypic and genotypic data for a progeny trial of 5813 European beech seedlings, originating from 60 open-pollinated families collected at three altitudes (1020 m;... -
Enriched gene ontology terms in upregulated genes at the transition from adul...
Analysis of differentially represented (over and under) Gene Ontology (GO) terms in the genes showing significant up-regulation at the transition between the eggs and the...