Data for: 'EnzymeML-based modeling workflow: from raw data to kinetic paramet...
Kinetic parameter estimates for small laccase (SLAC) catalyzed oxidation of ABTS, investigated across the temperature range between 25 °C and 45°C. This dataset contains the... -
Modeling the sphingolipid rheostat under wild-type and hypomorph Hai1a
This dataset contains the proposed sphingolipid rheostat model with mass-action kinetics and a proposed negative feedback from ceramide to its synthesis from Sphinganine. The... -
Additional data related to Weirich et al.: Discovery of new NSD2 non-histone ...
This data collection contains additional data related to Weirich et al.: "Discovery of new NSD2 non-histone substrates and design of a super-substrate". This includes Modelled... -
Technical specifications and details of the muscle-driven biorobotic arm ATARO
ATARO is a bio-inspired arm robot with two degrees of freedom. Five artificial muscle-spring units (MSUs) are used for actuation. The MSUs, each consisting of a pneumatic... -
Replication Data for: A physiologically enhanced muscle spindle model: using ...
This code/data allows you reproduce the results of the paper: "A physiologically enhanced muscle spindle model: using a Hill-type model for extrafusal fibers as template for... -
Replication Data for: "Deep learning-based estimation of the neutral body pos...
This dataset contains the pose estimation results from the third-party framework "PARE" (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems) and the pose averaging script (Matlab,... -
NGS data related to Albrecht et al.: Locus specific and stable DNA demethylat...
Method overview For targeted DNA demethylation of the H19/IGF2 ICR1, HEK293 cells were transfected with two plasmids, one containing dCas9 fused to a SunTag with five repeats... -
Supplementary material: "The Art of Brainwaves: A Survey on Event-Related Pot...
The purpose related to this dataset is to investigate the state of visualization in ERP (Event-Related Potential) research. The investigation was conducted through an online... -
Replication Data for “Postinhibitory excitation in motoneurons can be facilit...
This dataset contains spiketrains from experimental as well as simulated motoneurons that were analysed for the publication Postinhibitory excitation in motoneurons can be... -
2023 CCN Time Window Project Code
Notebooks/ scripts used for the time window project done for our CCN contribution in 2023. The notebooks will simulate EEG data based on a known "ground truth" ERP and test... -
NGS data related to Rajaram et al.: Development of super-specific epigenome e...
Method overview To achieve targeted ASM, transient transfection of the dCas9-10X SunTag-BFP, scFv-DNMT3A-3L-sfGFP, and sgRNA-DsRed plasmids was performed in HEK293 cells.... -
Ion Flow Through Neural Ion Membrane: scripts and data
The scripts and data are related to the numerical implementation of a quantitative model for ion flow through neural ion channels and a validation of the underlying single ion... -
Data for: Tracking the activity and position of mitochondrial beta-barrel pro...
Total interference reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF) of lipid bilayers is an effective technique for studying the lateral motion and ion channel activity of individual... -
Replication Data for: "High-density magnetomyography is superior to high-dens...
This dataset contains simulated high-density magnetomyography data and high-desnity surface elecoromyography data that was generated for the publication High-density... -
Experimental results for Bioinspired Preactivation Reflex Increases Robustnes...
This dataset contains the experimental results and postprocessing script (Matlab, Mathworks, Natick, MA) to obtain the plots and results described in the paper "Bioinspired... -
Supplementary Material for 'Entropic barrier of water permeation through sing...
Facilitated water permeation through narrow biological channels is fundamental for all forms of life. This process involves dehydration of bulk water entering the single-file... -
NGS data related to Dossmann et al.: Specific DNMT3C flanking sequence prefer...
Cloning and site-directed mutagenesis The gene of the catalytic, C-terminal domain of murine DNMT3C (amino acid residues 439-740 of P0DOY1) was obtained in E. coli codon... -
Supplementary material for 'Structural basis for ninjurin-1 mediated plasma m...
Eukaryotic cells can undergo different forms of programmed cell death, many of which culminate in plasma membrane rupture (PMR) as the defining terminal event. PMR was long... -
NGS data related to Adam et al.: On the accuracy of the epigenetic copy machi...
Expression and purification of DNMT1 for biochemical work Full length murine DNMT1 (UniProtKB P13864) was overexpressed and purified as described (Adam, et al. 2020) using the... -
Continuum-mechanical Forward Simulation Results of a Human Upper-limb Model U...
This dataset provides simulation results from a high-fidelity human upper-arm finite element model under varying muscle activations and an example script to load the data. The...