A new helium isotope recored of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum from ODP...
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; around 56 Ma ago) is arguably the most intensively studied event of rapid greenhouse warming of the geological past. The duration and... -
Highly branched isoprenoid hydrogen and carbon isotope data from lake sedimen...
Concentrations, hydrogen (δ2H) and carbon isotopes (δ13C) of highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs) from surface sediment samples from 12 lakes in the Adirondack region in New York.... -
Conifers are a major source of sedimentary leaf wax n-alkanes when dominant o...
Paleobotanical site information, terpenoid, n-alkane, and other and biomarker quantification and carbon isotope data from sediment samples collected from North America Paleogene... -
δ11B of well-preserved brachiopod fossils coupled with geochemical modeling
We present the δ11B of well-preserved brachiopod fossils coupled with geochemical modeling to examine how seawater boron responded to abrupt and dynamic climate changes in the... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and biological processed during experiments with...
Uptake of anthropogenic CO2 by the oceans is altering seawater chemistry with potentially serious consequences for coral reef ecosystems due to the reduction of seawater pH and... -
Hydrochemistry in the water columns from Lake Łódzko-Dymaczewskie, Lake Dębno...
The databset contains systematic observations of water parameters (t [°C], conductivity [μS·cm-1], pH, oxygen [mg·L-1], oxygen saturation [%], ORP [mV], TOC [mg·L-1], DOC... -
Bulk total organic carbon content and its isotope composition and biomarker d...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Stable oxygen and carbon isotope data of Cibicidoides Wuellerstorfi at DSDP S...
This dataset includes the analysis of sediment core DSDP 517 (30°56.81'S, 38°02.47'W, 2963 m water depth) recovered from the Rio Grande Rise within the modern day North Atlantic... -
Stable oxygen and carbon isotope data of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi at DSDP S...
This dataset includes the analysis of sediment core DSDP 516 (30°16'S, 35°17'W, 1313 m water depth) recovered from the Rio Grande Rise within the modern day core of Antarctic... -
Bulk total organic carbon content and its isotope composition data of sedimen...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_8 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Bulk carbonate isotope data of DSDP Site 86-577 (Table S2g)
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Raw and species corrected benthic foraminifer data of ODP Site 208-1262 (Tabl...
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Raw and species corrected benthic foraminifer data of ODP Site 198-1210 (Tabl...
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Bulk carbonate isotopes of ODP Site 208-1267 (Table S2k)
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Bulk carbonate isotopes of ODP Site 198-1262 (Table S2j)
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Bulk carbonate isotopes of ODP Site 198-1210 (Table S2i)
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Bulk carbonate isotopes of ODP Site 198-1209 (Table S2h)
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Benthic foraminifer carbonate carbon and oxygen isotopes of DSDP Hole 74-525A...
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Isotope record of Planulian wuellerstorfi of sediment core SO217-18522 (GIK18...
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Physical and chemical characteristics of soil samples
Soil samples were taken in the bog site of the Siikaneva peat complex and adjacent shrub-belt and forest site in Ruovesi, Finland. Samples were characterized by measuring water...